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Malako Voidsbane

male fellsworn neutral evil great old one warlock

Malako is a stranger in a strange land. He is not originally of Azocar but has lived on that world for a couple of decades. His origin is shrouded in mystery but he does believe it has something to do with his bond to the void god known as Cthulhu. He has vague memories of vile acts committed in his patron's name but he prefers to keep those memories in the past. Since he's come to Azocar, he's tried to make up for his past.   During the Horde Wars, Malako kept a low profile because most of his kind involved in the fighting were on the side of the Horde. After the Wars, he spent a decade wandering Tasserania, still keeping a low profile lest he be mistaken for a former enemy. His travels lead to membership in the Stormhold Blades and his association with the adventurers' guild has been profitable. Eventually, he settled in the small city of Everland.

Malako's Descriptions and Mannerisms

Malako stands about five and a half feet in height and is slight of build, weighing about 150 lbs. He has blue-green skin and purple hair and looks every bit the part of his infernal heritage. His smooth grey horns emanate from his brow and up and back above his head in the "U" shape common in tieflings. Malako's tail is typical in length but atypical in that it is smooth all the way to its fine point.   Ordinarily, Malako eschews shirts and keeps his torso bare under the dark grey trench coat he favors. He prefers dark greens and blues for his pants and wears heavy boots made of black leather. However, given his heritage and history, he's given to wearing disguises. His preferred disguise is that of a half-elf noble. The crown he wears with that allows him to hide his horns and his smooth and pleasant demeanor helps him pull the look off.   Malako is a smooth operator. He's able to get what he wants by being cool and steady in all situations and relying on his silver tongue to bend people's wills towards his own. In battle, the warlock prefers to fight at range using his arsenal of spells, eldritch invocations, and magical items to win the day.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Voidsbane

The fellsworn known as Malbar came to be called the Voidsbane and to be a cosmic fugitive because of his revolt against the Doomguard and their ethos. Before he turned coat, Malbar had become a high-ranking member of the faction and had been entrusted with some of its more closely guarded secrets. But he grew disillusioned with the faction and particularly a splinter group of it called the Voidbringers.   Malbar knew his change of heart and mind and his subsequent revolution put not only him but his entire brood in danger. So he made preparations to protect his kin. Unfortunately, these did not come in time to save his mate, Kallista. A Doomguard assassin discovered Malbar's hideout and, in their escape, Kallista was killed.   Once he felt they were safe again, Malbar brought his plans to hide his family to fruition. He used magic to cloud the memory of all three of his sons and then agents allied to him to scatter these to the vast reaches of the multiverse. His eldest, a daughter, he let keep all memory but swore her to secrecy. He advised her to forever live in disguise and to live somewhere she would fit in without being asked too many questions. So he took her to Bral.

“ 'No,' a voice called from the group’s right. Meline spied Malako walking towards them. The blue-skinned fellow smiled as he approached and added, 'but we’re much further south than we were when we entered the Shadowfell.' The rest of the group nodded as the fellsworn man spoke. Though they had known each other for only a handful of days, already they knew Malako had talent for discerning directions and location from the position of stellar bodies." --- "Coming Home..."

View Character Profile
Current Status
trying to stay out of trouble
Year of Birth
he / him
White with black pupils; no irirses
purple, worn loose just past shoulder length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 8"
150 lbs
Aligned Organization


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