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Raiza Summarine

female half-elf lawful neutral evoker wizard

The earliest memory Raiza had was of the Summarine Orphanage in Westport where she was raised. She had no recollection of her natural parents and the headmasters and mistresses of the orphanage had none to offer her either. She only knew what the keepers of the orphanage told her; that she was discovered one winter morning wailing inside a basket that was left upon the doorstep of the building.   As a youngster, Raiza exhibited a very sharp intellect and a yearning to connect with others. Despite this, she never found a permanent home and this caused her to develop into an impatient and impetuous adolescent. Fearing this growing unruliness in her, the Summarine's headmaster turned to an old friend to secure for Raiza a mentorship in Westport's great library.   Naturally inquisitive, Raiza took to her new duties with great zeal. She loved to learn and her time in the library allowed her to do just that. Soon, she found her true love; magic. Many of the mages of the arcane guild Esper Escrivar were patrons of Westport's library and the teenage girl impressed a number of them. One of them in particular, Ander-Sal Avers took a liking to the girl and took her on as a pupil.   When the Hordes came to Elysia, the sixteen-year old apprentice was dead set on helping to fight them off. But all the elders in her life were adamant in their refusal citing her youth and recklessness as reasons for this. This incensed Raiza and it, combined with the fact that her her own mentor sympathized with the Hordes. Their disagreement was one of the reasons their relationship grew abusive. Eventually, she was compelled to leave Westport.   Raiza travelled east right towards where the fighting was greatest. She eventually found her way to the besieged city of Eldesrand. She was able to sneak past the Horde armies and into the beleaguered city where she immediately set to helping its citizens fight off the siege. During this time, she caught the eye and interest of one of Eldesrand's most powerful spellcasters, Mis Draxella Solaran.   Draxella's interest was not scholarly, however. Rather, the senior mage was sexually and romantically attracted to the much younger woman. This not to Raiza's liking, however. She left Eldesrand as soon as the siege was broken. The tide of the war had turned but there was still much fighting to do so Raiza headed north. She eventually came to Eldessarn and took up with allied forces right before they headed west to help finish off the Hordes. It was during this time that she first met Tza-reena Windstrider.   Following the end of the wars, Raiza settled in Eldessar and took up with the Espers. She spent the next decade developing her arcane skills and learning as much as she could about anything and everything. She grew in renown amongst her peers and eventually, she was taking on important duties for the guild.   One of those duties was to be named the Eldessarn guildhouse's representative in the Esper Escrivar's annual conference of wizards. In the 11th year of the Common Age, the conclave met in Eldesrand and Raiza returned to the city where she had gained much experience. During her time in the Eldessar capital, Tza-reena came to her guild looking for a wizard to employ on her sailing ship. Raiza was admiring of the tiefling mage and sailor and she decided to drop everything and take the job of assistant helmsman aboard the Dragon's Wing.

Descriptions and Mannerisms

Raiza was a small woman. She stood a little less than five feet in height and is very slight, weighing about 95 lbs. Raiza took no care to hide the slightly pointed ears and ever-youthful and luminescent pale skin that revealed her elven heritage. She tended to keep her unique-colored hair cut fairly short and eschewed hoods and cloaks entirely. Her sharp and angular facial features further indicated that she was part elf. As cool as she may have appeared, Raiza's demeanor was typically quite the opposite. She was as impetuous and fiery as she was as the petulant teenager that ran away from the only home she had ever known. Her personality was befitting of her interest in evocation magic. She only heeded the advice of others when she was certain that person were both someone who was loyal and that wasn't trying to suppress her own will. Raiza greatly admired her captain and employer, Tza-reena. probably because she saw a lot in in the older woman that she aspired to. This included of course, Tza-reena's arcane prowess as well as her own independence and strength of will.  
lawful neutral
Current Status
spelljammer helmsman and mother exploring the far corners of wildspace
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
she / her
emerald green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale and smooth
5' 0"
95 lbs
Other Affiliations


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