Lesaia or Lasia

Lesaia is probably one of the most notorious places in Northern Agia. It is considered to be the darkest place in all of Agia and where nothing can live. Though, this might not be the case.
— Aewydim Scibodaeth
  Depending on the religion, this region has different names. Lesaia is the common one for Irathians to use, referring to the realm of Rathias, Rathies'les, while the Rathianic one uses Lasia, as reference to Irath's Realm, Irath'las.

Lesaia is a large volcanic region to the north. The volcano Lasisos is the largest of the volcanos that are active, and it makes the land south-west of the Angrepos mountain range covered in dried, dark lava. Some places the active lava can still be seen through cracks, making the area quite dangerous to walk upon. The constant rumblings of Lasisos has become a myth in the country of Fyrnan where most of Lesaia is situated, and many fears a dangerous creature lives inside it, waiting to come out and eat the people of the land.


From the southern coast of Northern Agia to the Ysirgarn in the far north, the mountain range Angrepos runs across the continent. The snow-covered mountains makes the Northern Agia seem more unwelcoming, than the glaciers in the far north. But there are not solely mountains in this mountain range, some are volcanos, though most are not active. There is one volcano that is constantly active, despite its top is covered in snow. The south-west side of the volcano is black with streaks of red flowing down. At the foot and far out in the plain the darkened earth seem to be endless, making it hard to believe there would any signs of life nearby.

The cracks in the ground gives the land a scarred look, and in small spots smoke still rises from the cracks, seemingly from the active lava that constantly makes the land taller.

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When it's not raining, it's snowing. Why can we never see the Glux near Lasia?
— An annoyed Fyrnaki
Despite the volcanic activity surrounding Lesaia, the air feels cold because it lies in the north. Whilst snow may not linger all year, it remains on the colder side of the climate. Thunder and lightening is constantly present, rivalling Lasisos in sound. There are only three types of weather conditions in Lesaia; rain, snow, and thunderclouds. The Glux is almost absent at all time.

Natural Resources

While many may not think there could be anything valuable in this region, Fyrnan have gotten quite rich by selling obsidian glass to the Rathianic church. One very known building in Inord is the Obsidian Cathedral, the largest and most complex cathedral in the north. Fyrnan has also begun recreating the Obsidian glass-building technology, making it their special trademark.

Another thing Fyrnan gladly enjoys is the rich soil, which they bring to their fields to make it prosper.


There are two legends surrounding the region, depending on which religion that one believes in. The Rathianics wants to believe that Irath's screams of rage and frustration angered all the mountains in the north after she discovered the betrayal of Rhyxis, and made the volcanos erupt.

After several decades, she figured out that her own organisation Tilor O Irath'Miesdys wanted to make more people so that the faith in her could rise, and carved figures out of stone which the lava in Lasia brought her. But unlike the other species, when she smeared and poured her light into the figure, nothing happened, and she threw the figure back into the lava. The lava was bubbling and from the lava, a creature rose. It had cracks and eyes that looked like lava, and skin made of melted stone. But the creature could not generate any faith, since it was an empty being.

The Irathians believes that Rathias was envious of Irath's ability to make the species, and therefore tried to carve out figures from the stones that Lasisos brought to her. She even tried to smear her blood onto the figure, like Irath did in the beginning, but nothing happened, and in her frustration, she threw the figure into the lava. The creature is described similary to the Rathianic believes. They both believes in the Dymórleshra also known as Empty Beings, that have historically brought much harm to Western Agia and Northern Agia.

While most Dymórleshra have vanished over the centuries, there are still rumours of them lurking in Lesaia, making it a dangerous place to venture.

Another myth surrounding the region, is the creature in the volcano. Local Fyrnakis believes that one of the Dymórleshra ventured deep into the volcano, it started drinking the lava, and inhabited the place. With the help of the rage from the volcano, it gained concious and felt the pain from the lava. Always in pain, the creature lashes out in the lava, making the lava spew at the top and sending down streams of lava. But the creature needs the lava to exsist, so it must keep drinking the lava, despite the pain.
One day, the creature will be able to leave the volcano, and seek another food source, to which many fears will be the Dynbodaul.

Further Reading


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Aug 11, 2024 20:37

Really enjoyed this article! It got a feature in my reading challenge

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Aug 17, 2024 20:46 by Secere Laetes

As always, a beautiful article for this world. The different origins depending on faith is once again great and it's nice how you were able to link it to older articles.