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Elisheva Nadur

Born to a wood elven nomadic sect in the deep forests and swamps of Easterwall, Elisheva Nadur came of age in an environment of nature and the elements. Whether a question of nature or nuture, Elisheva always had a deep connection to the lands around her. From flora to fauna, they seemed to respond to her emotions, feelings, and gestures. As if on a syncretic level of understanding, Elisheva was inseparable from the natural world.   This was quickly noticed by her tribe, who made her the understudy to the apothecary, an elder Wood Elven woman named Nathna. Nathna helped nuture this talent of Elisheva's, by leading by example and demonstrating to her the potential of her abilities. From natural salves to healing potions, Elisheva quickly learned every root, herb, and spice and their use.   Elisheva began to understand her connection to nature deeper with animals as well. When she was in her early adolescent years, her and Nathna went on a foraging trip in the swamps. After a series of rapid twists and turns through the dense underbrush, Elisheva quickly realized that she was alone. Asking the nearby plants and small animals for help, she was sent on a wild goose chase after Nathna. Upon reaching a clearing in the underbrush, Elisheva quickly found herself standing opposite of a rather large bear. Instead of panicking or running, Elisheva instead decided to approach the bear. The bear, aggressive towards the intruder seemed initially to give no quarter. But, Elisheva boldly putting her hand out towards the bear, and whispering comfort seemed to soothe the bear. It was then when she heard the bear speak to her.   The bear spoke of a similar situation to that she was in, where the bear had lost her cub in the dense forest, much the same way to how she had lost Nathna. The two, whether meeting by fate or chance, began to sympathize and set out to find their lost companions. After a few hours of searching, they found the two together at the base of a large waterfall. It turns out that Nathna found the cub by accident, and healed a wound it had taken from a poisonous plant. The group, now relieved at finding the other, rejoiced and said their farewells. It was from this point that Elisheva began to grow confidence in her abilities.   In the tribe's tradition, the coming of age ceremony involved adolescents living in the woods alone for a few weeks, with nothing to survive on but their wit. When it came Elisheva's time, she took the challenge in stride. The first few days were simple, following her training from the tribe and finding a healthy location to bed down. But, the further she ventured from her home, the more difficult it was to find her way back. She began getting confused, disoriented, stressed. Was it poison, or a latent affect of the forest, or some accursed magic?   This weighed heavily on Elisheva as she began to explore more and more. She found elements of nature that she was sheltered from within the sect. She saw death, destruction, necromancy, decay. A large forest fire had passed through her home and was making it's way towards her. Nervous and afraid of this great destruction, Elisheva ran as fast as she could for any sort of cover. As the flames were licking her heels, she was able to find a foxhole in the ground. She dove in and ducked the flame, as the wall of fire tore over her, leaving a series of burns along her back.   After coming to from this waking nightmare, Elisheva emerged to a forest no longer verdant, but blackened, and reeked of death. But, even in her lowest point, she looked to the soil and saw the green sprouts of regrowth. It was in this that she achieved an epiphany. No matter what would happen, even if the world is crumbling or if she is powerless against something she cannot control, she has the ability to get through it.   Armed with this revelation, Elisheva decided that her talents and her destiny did not lie in the woods with her sect. Instead, she was to see the world, learn more of her unique abilities, and do more in the eyes of Beory and Ehlonna. Call it divine intervention or inspiration, Elisheva knew what her mission in life was.   Driven with renewed focus, Elisheva has travelled the continent of Fayfall northwestward, seeing all that Fayfall had to offer. She became an adventurer along the way, surviving off her own abilities and the kindness of strangers. Many times people had tried to take advantage of her, and many have tried to harm her, but through her beliefs and abilities, she has reached the Duchy of Faysea with the goal of exploring the world and defending her beliefs.  

Wood elf druid who draws her power from her unique connection with nature. Was an apothecary who has lived in the woods in seclusion, but has turned to a life of adventuring to understand her connection to nature better.

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Date of Birth
5th of Velox Origio
Year of Birth
4469 19 Years old
Left: Green | Right: Blue
Red, long/braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, Ruddy
90 lbs

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