Black Ocean Geographic Location in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Black Ocean

The Black Ocean no true ocean, but rather a manifestation of the all-consuming Void in the near-material upper reaches of The Abyss. While it appears to be an endless ocean ringing the Plains of Strife, its waters as black as ink, it is actually wave upon wave of uncreation, the raw and corrosive nothingness of the Primal and unshaped space beyond Existence. It is the unmaking to which all matter should at last return, and from which Aiaos is preserved by the nine Pillars, were it not for the intervention of the Colossi, whose carcasses and works form the foundations of the Abyssal realms.   The waters of the Black Ocean consume everything save the Imperishable Substances and the hardened, unnatural frames of the Colossi. This should create a perfect balance to the raw creative force which enters Existence through The Firmament, but as with all things, this harmony no longer functions. The Colossi who lie dead in the Pits taint the Abyssal realms such that the erosion of the Black Ocean is slower than the influx of debris and excarnate souls from the World. It is because of this that the lower realms have been able to grow, and the Deep War to perpetuate as long as it has without both sides being consumed.   The Ocean is home to beings not of this Existence, whether kin or not to the Colossi is unknown. Infernal warships, crewed by Devils and fuelled by souls patrol the waters to prevent these beings, inimical even to the twisted existence of the Abyss, making landfall.


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