Pits Geographic Location in Aiaos | World Anvil
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The Pits are festering sores in The Abyss, which formed around the bodies of fallen Colossi after the war. Attempts were made by the Young Gods to remove them, but malevolent forces gathered to defend them, intent on exploiting their otherworldly properties. These became the demons, and the domains around the fallen colossi the Pits where they mustered their forces.   There are nine major Pits, one for each realm of The Abyss, and many smaller ones.
  1. The Spawning Pool in the bloody field of Gehenna 
  2. The Hanging Cages on the face of the chasm Escharon 
  3. The Crucible of Malice in the withering fires of Khorundam 
  4. The Sombre Maw in the folding mists of Suspiria 
  5. The Tenebrous Womb in the shadowed halls of Inveris 
  6. The Bone Cathedral on the hunting grounds of Caradon 
  7. The Mortal Masque amid the poison garden of Veridia 
  8. The Iron Cage in the dragging mire of Incarceron 
  9. The Crawling Caverns which riddle the upended spire of Gorotho 
Dimensional plane


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