Concordia Settlement in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Concordia is the capital city of The Elysian Federation. It was built high on the flank of Mount Skystone, soon after the signing of the Blessed Concordance, to house the Council of Eight, the Great Temple of Foundation and a number of administrative and domestic staff. For supply and communication, a sky dock was added to the city, and as more nomes were brought into the Federation, the city was enlarged. As the capital began to incorporate embassies from foreign powers, it also drew those seeking new opportunities, who set themselves up as traders and service suppliers, occupying first ramshackle dwellings and later creating a ring of stone dwellings below the high city.   Today, the city exists in clear strata. At its heart is the palace complex, including the great temple, the palace of the Stonelight, the residences of the Twenty-Seven and the Embassies of the Thunderhead Dominion and the Empire of the Southern Sun. This is surrounded by the rest of the High City, including the quarters for the palace and administrative staff and the sky docks. The High City is watched over by the Custodian Guard.   Below the High City, the Low City is an ordered array of stone dwellings, spreading out in blocks from the plaza, an open space before the High City gates. The Low City is roughly divided into the prosperous south side, including the plaza and the oldest buildings, the warehouses and industrial facilities of the east side, and the rough shanty towns of low wall. These areas are beyond the immediate authority and concern of the Custodians, and are protected and policed by their own militias.   Finally, the shanties and slums of the freetown are the preserve of gangs and self-styled bosses, providing illicit services unavailable in the more respectable parts of the city.   The inequality across the city is marked and extreme. Concordia was never intended to be a complete city, and for hundreds of years the authorities in the High City have given little thought to the poipulation of the Low City. The Custodian Guard have not only had no jurisdiction over, but no interest in the population in the Low Cities, focusing on defence of the High City and the securing of the walls between the two. As a result, considerable unrest has often flared in the Low City, and when not dealt with by the militias been brutally suppressed by the Custodians.   The current Stonelight, Varaz IV, has made considerable efforts to unify the High and Low Cities, addressing the underlying infrastructure deficiencies and inequality and taking a lead from the recent developments in Orosa.


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