Elysian Reckoning in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Elysian Reckoning

The calendar of the Elysian Federation begins with the Blessed Concordance, counting in solar years and Round Counts, with each Round Count taking a number of years equal to the number of nomes in the Federation, which means that it grows longer over time as the Federation grows.   The Elysian Reckoning has twelve months of 29 days each, three months in each of four season – Fire (summer), Earth (autumn), Air (winter) and Water (spring) – and 19 intercalaries.
  • Concordance Day 
  • (Five Year Day)
  • Fire 2
  • Midsummer's Eve 
  • Midsummer’s Day
  • Fire 3
  • Shadefall 
  • Shadeclimb
  • Earth 1 (30 days, including Lastday, a festival celebrating the signing in of the most recent nome)
  • Earth 2
  • Harvest Eve 
  • Harvest
  • Harvest Fall
  • Earth 3
  • Clearing
  • Closing
  • Air 1
  • Firefair
  • Air 2
  • Midwinter’s Eve
  • Midwinter’s Day
  • Air 3
  • Water 1 (30 days, including the orc festival of Stormrise)
  • Water 2
  • Springlight
  • Shaking of the Sheets
  • Water 3
  • Fire 1
  • Highsun
  • Concordance Eve

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