Energy Cycle Physical / Metaphysical Law in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Energy Cycle

All things in Existence are driven by the energy called by the Dragons dzenmisa, but this energy is rarely found or used in its pure form.   Dzenmisa usually enters the World as ifril, the pure, destructive energy of the Void, which flows into The Firmament and is absorbed by the Divine Twins. Soraes and Doraes filter this ifril, emitting it as pure, divine energy. This is then projected into the Elemental Planes where it becomes basal energy, the fundamental substance of both pure elemental and material form.   Basal energy flows into Aiaos through the Elemental Gateways by way of the Primal Wild, but divine energy and even unfiltered ifril fit leak through the scars of the Colossus War, directly into the World, where they either pool and crystallise, or else spread out to saturate the world, becoming arcane energy, the stuff of Magic. Arcane energy and raw ifril can both become oversaturated in a given environment, causing a build-up of arcane or void flux, either of which can ignite if catalysed by magical activity.   Due to the actions of the Colossi, all energy in the World eventually becomes entropic, and is either forced by pressure from the Twins to flow down into the Grim Plain, or becomes trapped in the World and turns Necrotic. In the Plain, both entropic and necrotic energy are collected and concentrated, before passing into The Abyss as revenant energy, and finally percolating to the peak of Mount Nadir and draining back to the Void as fluvial energy.   As the Abyss is an imperfect drain, a mix of remnant and fluvial energy pools there, especially in the Black Ocean.


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