Nome of the Broken Ground Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Nome of the Broken Ground

At its height, the Regime controlled territory stretching from the east coast of Caino above the Bay of Jagged Teeth, across to the western borders of the modern 6th, 7th and 17th Nomes, trapping the Legion strength against the Skystone Peaks, as well as territory to the south. Long before the end of the Legion-Regime War, however, the Genasi pushed back from the west, and the Minotaur from the north, leaving the Regime forces in their turn trapped in rugged and harsh terrain, between the Horde harbours, the Legion and the local powers, succoured only by the much-strained charity of the Wood Elves of the High Seats, whom they openly branded traitors.   It was the High Seats, however, who ultimately gave the elves of the Broken Ground – a region of stony and uncompromising hills – a lifeline by offering to sponsor them as members of The Elysian Federation. It was a blow to the pride of the high elves to take that lifeline, but there seemed little else to do, with the orcs and Goblinoids now part of the Concordance, and they signed the treaty in CY19.9. The Nome of the Broken Ground has always been aloof, however, with strict border controls and its own legal processes. It also maintains a strong military tradition, always looking ultimately to its own defence.   The Broken Ground has no Nomarch, at least not in name, stubbornly insisting on the styles of the old Regime. The leader of the nome is the Consul Prime, elected by the populace as one of fifteen Consuls: three for each of the two cities and three major towns of the nome. Where needed, the Consul Prime acts as nomarch, and the other fourteen consuls allocate the nome’s seven votes in randomly alloted pairs.
Geopolitical, Province


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