Nome of the Earthen Waves Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Nome of the Earthen Waves

Much like the Nome of the Low Plains to the north, the Genasi rulers of the low, rolling hills known as the Earthen Waves claim descent from a singular Dao ancestor. The Republic of Daeth had a democratic government, but only those of genasi lineage could vote, and only full-blooded genasi could hold any form of public office. This structure was kept when the Republic entered the larger Elysian Federation in CY25.1.   All those of genasi lineage have the right to speak and vote in the local and nominal assemblies. Local assemblies return officers to deal with any matter of urgency, while the nominal assemby debates high policy and returns five officers regular and up to three officers extraordinary at any one time. The officers regular are the Overlord, who acts as nomarch, and four Underlords. The officers extraordinary are the Warlord, the Lord Justice and the Lord Mystic, who are elected either to answer a pressing crisis, or to complete the roll of electors.
Geopolitical, Province


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