Nome of the Towers of Wood Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Nome of the Towers of Wood

After the Wood Elves left the Regime, the Genasi alliance moved swiftly to cross the territory of the High Seats and retake the forest to the north, basing their campaign out of wooden motte and bailey fortresses which were later expanded into mighty strongholds entirely carved – or shaped by more mystical means – from wood. Nine of these towers survived to the time when the genasi of the region were invited to join the Federation in CY20.5.   The modern Nome of the Towers of Wood is still based around these strongholds. The capital of Azenji surrounds a massive tower of living wood, shaped by magic. Myanji and Aloji are lesser towers, but in part at least composed of still growing trees. Their dependent townships are small, but they house a great university and druidic temple respectively. Cyenko, Jenko, Syaboko and Rokenko are sprawling cities surrounding artificially constructed towers, Rokenko the largest of all, and home to the garrison which watches the border of the Free Moblands. Brizenko, on the western border, is a city of secrets, home to the Deep Temple of Foundation and its reclusive order of warrior-historians. The last tower, Kurzenji, was once the greatest of all, but its masters fell to corruption and the trees which made up the walls of the tower became infected with unholy power. The city fell, its populace scattered, and now the tower stands alone, a blackened husk in the heart of a ruined city and a blasted wasteland.   Each of the towers is governed by an elected body, although in the living towers this body is usually dominated by members of the druidic circles. In addition, each city elects three representatives to the nominal senate, which sits in Azenji. The senate, in turn, elects a Nomarch and six electors from among its own number. The seventh elector is the Grandmaster of the Kurzen Order.
Geopolitical, Province


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