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In the south of the Plains of Strife, waters from the Grim Plain trickle down into the highlands of Gehenna, where they join in confluence to form the Styx, first and greatest of the rivers of the Abyss.   The waters of the Styx are dark and deep, swift flowing and merciless. They can drown, but they also strip memory and self from anyone immersed within them, or who drinks from them. It is these waters that carrry the souls of those who have done evil in the World down to the Abyss, purging them of all but their base nature and leaving them to be drawn up onto the banks of the Styx, reborn as one of the least of Fiends, usually a lemure, but occasionally a manes or larva.   At the edge of the chasm of Escharon, the Styx plunges over the Stygian Falls, and crashes down into the depthless Lake Stryge.


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