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Baron is a fifth tier landed nobility title. The female equivalent is Baroness. Typically hereditary it can also be bestowed as a reward for an act of merit. The title is above Knight de Chevalier, and below Viscount/Viscountess . A Baron can either hold their fief (land and income) directly from the ruling Monarchy, or as Vassal to a higher Lord. They can wear either a smaller form of a crown, called a Coronet. (Baroness's may substitute for a Tiara) or an enameled Livery Collar  as their symbol of station. Barons are allowed governance of a large town, of not more than 500 inhabitants, and up to 4 additional manors. They may hold a standing army of up to 20 knights as well as a garrison of 500 troops; however, many times these figures are overlooked as the Barony 'pays a tithe tax' to ensure their loyalty.


Higher tier Nobility.


It was the lord's duty to defend the land and the people on it. The lord appointed officials to make sure that the villagers did what they were supposed to, such as farming the lord's land and paying rent in crops, meat, and other foods. Because manors were places of shelter and safety, the lord acted as a judge in the manor court to all the peasants and serfs who were tied to the manor. The lord had the power to punish and fine those who broke laws. It was also the lord's duty to fight for the king, or, more commonly, supply a suitable fighting source.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address


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