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Viscount is a fourth tier Nobility rank. The female equivalent is Viscountess. It stands between Count/Countess , above and Baron/Baroness , below. Originally it was a non-hereditary title for administrative or judicial rule of smaller provinces to aid Earls that couldn't attend to rural provincial needs.   Similar to the lower nobility title A small crown variant called a Coronet, or an Enameled Livery Collar  to show their station status are allowed, the Viscount being more elaborate with engraving around the band, or all metal collar with less metal, and ribbon are common.   Viscounts oversee their manor, which is a large town, or small city of up to 1,000 inhabitants. as well as up to a dozen other manors. While some Viscounts have their own holdings it is also very common to find them instead residing in the Manor of their Count, acting more as a Lieutenant.


Appointed by Monarch, or Duke


Administrative governance or Baronies, and to aid Earls in rural area management.   It was the lord's duty to defend the land and the people on it. The lord appointed officials to make sure that the villagers did what they were supposed to, such as farming the lord's land and paying rent in crops, meat, and other foods. Because manors were places of shelter and safety, the lord acted as a judge in the manor court to all the peasants and serfs who were tied to the manor. The lord had the power to punish and fine those who broke laws. It was also the lord's duty to fight for the king, or, more commonly, supply a suitable fighting source.


Nobles, or lords and ladies were members of the nobility, the highest-ranking class in medieval society. Although they had lots of power, lords did not rule the land and owned manors instead of living in the castle. Lords were essentially at the same level as the monarchs, but they had to listen to the monarch and had an overall respect for them. There was an unspoken agreement that lords were a tiny bit lower in social class than the king and/or queen.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
The Honorable


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