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Eryl the Hoskin

Eryl the Hoskin is the Malforten Militia leader, and member of the town council. He is standoffish to Sir Howell, almost resenting his arrival, as he feels his Militia has held their own and can continue to see to the safety of the Hamlet. Although he is confrontational Eryl is not disrespectful, nor does he insult the 'Mercenaries'   It was Eryl that traveled to Hrueset to seek assistance, so there will be some vindication in having done that, and the Knight succeeds, and if 'they' fail Eryl has lost nothing, but is nervous about the bandit raiders getting higher quality weaponry, and armor.   He suspects someone within Malforten is feeding Gritznak the Bold information, as that would explain how the raiders continue to thwart the efforts Eryl has employed to trap them.   Eryl lives in a Wattle and Comb farmhouse just outside the Hamlet along the Northeastern road with his wife, and two sons.
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Town council, Militia leader
Current Location
Current Residence
Farmhouse at Malforten
Tall and Thin, with a slight limp


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