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  Malforten is a small agricultural hamlet located in the North East area of Kingdom of New Aenoch in the East March along the Drunderry River between the Fallow hills, and El Marsh Lake. Being roughly 115 miles east of the town of Hrueset and roughly the same distance upriver from Elmast visitors are sparse, and protection from the capitol is lacking. Traders do visit using the along the West Way, which is typically safe; however, trips are planned so as to not be out in the Fallow hills after the sun sets.   Roughly 40 inhabitants call Malforten home, and with nearly two dozen rough stone buildings with thatched roofs laid out amongst crop fields, and pastures where gentle breezes carry the belting of goats and grazing cattle, the summers are almost pleasant. Winters are usually mild with snow rarely getting more than knee deep; however, the storms are fierce as harsh winds blow freezing sleet that only the well-prepared and hardy venture about outside during.   Knowing they had settled at the edges of their kingdom, and help was far away if needed, those that came to Malforten banded together fighting off wild beasts, bandits, goblin raids, and even marauding ogres that have sacked at least two of the other hamlets nearby. They are proud of their independence, and capacity to care for themselves and have become sturdy folk with stout hearts.   Recently word has come that Malforten has come under a more dire and grievous threat. A band of raiders has encroached upon the hamlet taking livestock,  as well as food stores, and even stealing a few of the inhabitants. The delegation from Malforten was rebuffed and their request for aid was denied; however, to minimally meet their obligation two rural Lords offered aid, provided of course Malforten swear fealty as vassals in return.   As such a bounty has been offered to any that bring an end to the depredations of Gritznak the Bold


Town Council


appx 15 peasant militia

Industry & Trade

Agriculture & Livestock


Single-story stone, or Wattle & Comb structures with thatched roofs.


Gentle rolling hills with grasslands. Slow-moving wide river with plentiful fishing.


  • Malforten
    Layout of Hamlet of Malforten, Kingdom of New Aneoch
Inhabitant Demonym
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