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Gritznak the Bold

A vicious Gnoll warrior whose mean-spirited ways got him banned from his tribe, Gritznak has vowed to amass a new larger more feared tribe. Unable to recruit but a handful of Gnolls, Gritznak turned to the more submissive species as leader. After torching the other settlements, and raiding many caravans, his raiders have struck more and bolder into Malforten. Although the Malforten Militia have attempted to Locate, Trap, and Capture Gritznak they have failed each time. Every failure has only emboldened the raids culminating, with Griznak now demanding tribute from the town.   Using both Goblin mounted atop Wolf mounts, and paying rewards to a handful of Human bandits about the Fallow Hills Gritznak has a well informed scouting force which allows him to commit to raids he is almost certain to succeed at. He knows the Malforten Militia can not confront him, and as no force has come forth he fears little reprisal.   When Gritznak encamped inside an old abandoned temple little did he know the power that lay dormant still inside. This unholy place dedicated to the Horned one, soon awoke to the new worshipers inside it's halls. Whispering to Gritznak, fueling hostility to entice drunken brawls, fights, and the occasional knife fight amongst his raiders. Slowly blood was spilt, and the Temple of Baleon Nakt grew and as it did it began to protect Gritznak clouding his mind that he, not the last high priest of the Temple was the ruler. As Gritznak learned more of the temples offerings he soon began bringing back sacrificial offerings.   The temple allowed Gritznak to learn of his bounty. Hoping to speed up the process, but Gritznak was not concerned. When the temple showed him the arrival of Sir Alistair Howell he was not concerned. As Gritznak had been shown that the fight with the knight and his retinue would complete the ritual, and place Gritznak firmly on his path as the great Warlord the temple had whispered to him he would be.   So he prepared. Every room cleared by the party Gritznak withdrew rather than confront. The temple helped lead the knight to the sacrificial chamber, and when they entered Gritznak began the ritual to resurrect the last High Priest, just as the temple wanted. Everything was going to plan. Until Gritznak was slain on the table before the Knight. His head severed, and his body left fallen atop the sacrificial table.
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Death
30th of Lothian
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Slain by party in session 6
Place of Death
Temple of Baelon Nakt Ruins
Referred to as He
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
yellow-ish fur with dark brown spotts


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