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Aurelia Whisperwind

Aurelia is a skilled spy and information broker within the Ishruza. Her connections and network of informants make her a valuable asset to the organization. Love can seek her out for vital intel or to uncover secrets within the Keldris and beyond.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

She has a small silver memory orb, her magical focus that softly circles her head. She stores thoughts and information in there, and has advantage on history checks.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

She's very intelligent, has the Keen Mind feat
Statistics:   STR 10 DEX 14 CON 12 INT 18 WIS 16 CHA 14   **Feats:** Keen Mind (Allows Aurelia to recall information with perfect accuracy)   **Skills:**
  • Arcana
  • Investigation
  • History
  • Stealth
  • Perception
  • **Scribe Abilities:** 1. **Wizardly Quill:** Aurelia possesses a magical quill that can transcribe spells and copy them into her spellbook without requiring the usual time and cost. 2. **Ink Magic:** She can temporarily alter the properties of spells she writes, customizing their effects to suit the situation. 3. **Manifest Mind:** Aurelia's focus, an orb that hovers around her head, grants her heightened awareness and acts as her spellcasting focus.   **Spells:** As a sixth-level Scribe Wizard, Aurelia knows a variety of spells. She can prepare a number of spells each day equal to her Intelligence modifier + her wizard level. Here are some example spells she might have prepared:   1. **Cantrips:** Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Message 2. **1st Level Spells:** Shield, Mage Armor, Identify, Feather Fall, Magic Missile 3. **2nd Level Spells:** Mirror Image, Invisibility, Suggestion, Web 4. **3rd Level Spells:** Counterspell, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Dispel Magic   **Equipment:**
  • Spellbook: Filled with her carefully transcribed spells and arcane knowledge.
  • Orb Focus: The magical orb that circles her head, serving as her spellcasting focus.
  • Wizard's Robes: Elegantly designed robes befitting her position and status within the Ishruza.
  • Quill and Ink: Her enchanted quill and a vial of magical ink, essential tools for a Scribe Wizard.
  • Ring of Protection: A magical ring that enhances her defenses.
  • **Personality:** Aurelia is soft-spoken and poised, known for her wisdom and keen intellect. Her dedication to the Ishruza and the Council of Shadows is unwavering, and she takes her role as Head of the Shadow Scribes with great responsibility. She values knowledge and information above all else, and her magical prowess makes her a valuable asset to the organization.
    Known Languages
    Common, Undercommon, Elvish, Dwarvish, Halfling, Orcish, Draconic, Infernal, and Theves' Cant.


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