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A Family of The Raziim that organizes and handles assassins, theft, and smuggling - both between the Keldris and Sild and off-Breach.

Ishruza specializes in a variety of illegal activities, including smuggling contraband, executing daring heists, and carrying out discreet assassinations. They have earned a reputation as the go-to organization for those seeking to silence enemies or eliminate obstacles. The Shadowmaster and his operatives operate with precision and efficiency, ensuring that contracts are fulfilled with utmost professionalism.

The Vetera family has been in charge of Ishruza for generations, and Asanov Vetera is the most recent Shadowmaster, as of only six months.

They primarily operate out of The Den on the southwest side of the The Keldris, but have a secondary shelter, The Step on Korrus 5, and Dirdara on Korrus 4.

The rumors surrounding Asanov's rise to power and the fate of the senior members of the Vetera family add an air of intrigue and mystery. Some believe that he ruthlessly eliminated his family members to solidify his control over Ishruza, while others view it as the nature of their dangerous profession. The uncertainty surrounding Asanov's actions creates an atmosphere of tension and uncertainty within the criminal underworld.

While Ishruza operates independently, they maintain a distant respect for The Shade, recognizing their influence and power in Mienica. Asanov understands the importance of avoiding direct conflict with Saran Aguri and her organization, as it could disrupt the delicate balance of power in the city. This respect leads to a cautious and somewhat tense relationship between the two organizations, occasionally leading to collaborations or covert alliances when their interests align.


Asanov Vetera is the current enigmatic leader and mastermind behind Ishruza. With a reputation for cunning and ruthlessness, he has earned the respect and fear of those within the criminal underworld. As the Shadowmaster, he controls all major decisions and operations of the organization, orchestrating intricate schemes to expand its influence.

The Council of Shadows: A small group of high-ranking lieutenants and advisors who directly serve the Shademaster. The Council assists in strategic planning, intelligence gathering, and coordination of Ishruza's activities. Each member oversees a specific aspect of the organization's operations, such as smuggling, espionage, or assassination. Asanov was a member of the Council before he became Shadowmaster.
Counsil Members:
Tala Halseth - smuggling - The Veiled Merchants
Aurelia Whisperwind espionage and information brokering - The Shadow Scribes
Kaz Shadewalker - assassinations - The Blades of Twilight
Nyra Duskwood - racketeering - The Black Fangs

The Veiled Merchants: A faction within Ishruza that handles illicit trade and smuggling of illegal goods and rare artifacts. They operate under the guise of legitimate merchants, using secret tunnels and contacts to transport contraband between the Breaches and The Rimland. This is operated by Tala.

The Shadow Scribes: A network of information brokers, spies, and codebreakers who gather intelligence from across the Keldris. The Scribes provide Asanov with valuable insights into the activities of rival organizations, powerful individuals, and potential targets. They operate under Aurelia.

The Blades of Twilight: Elite operatives trained in the arts of stealth, infiltration, and assassination. The Blades are Asanov's personal enforcers, carrying out his orders and eliminating threats to Ishruza. They are renowned for their ability to strike from the shadows without leaving a trace. They operate under Kaz and answer to him.

The Black Fangs: This faction focuses on extortion, racketeering, and enforcing protection schemes within Mienica. The Black Fangs ensure that businesses and individuals pay tribute to Ishruza, and they respond fiercely to those who refuse to cooperate.
  Asanov's calculated approach and ability to maintain loyalty within the ranks of Ishruza have earned him a formidable reputation. The organization operates with precision and secrecy, making them a force to be reckoned with in the underground of the Keldris. However, Asanov's true motivations and long-term goals remain shrouded in mystery, adding an air of intrigue and uncertainty to the campaign.
Illicit, Gang
Parent Organization

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