Aldin Ridrose Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Aldin Ridrose

"The truth does not matter, Frog . Not in the way that you seek. All that matters, truly, is knowledge." - Aldin
    The Archmage and founder of the Ridrose Institute of Magic, Aldin Ridrose is noted for being one of the most powerful wielder of magic in the Material Realm, and one of the most knowledgeable in the arcane. Having lived for centuries, and essentially found a way to cheat death indefinitely, Ridrose eventually amassed quite the collection in knowledge, but developed a desire to share it. Making a deal with the King of Alderhardt at the time, Ridrose entered a deal where he could continue his research into magic under protection, with a greater number of resources at his disposal, if he taught the people of Alderhardt magic. To this day, Aldin runs the Institute, turning Kitzstadt specifically into quite the magically driven city.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Appearing as a blue skinned water genasi, who looks to be in their mid thirties, Aldin Ridrose looks like a man of sophistication and deep magical knowledge. Tall and slender, Aldin is covered head to toe in rich, silk robes of red, grey and gold, with flowing white hair that just touches his shoulders. Clean shaven, with a strong jawline, Aldin is not only a figure of elegance, but also quite an imposing one, causing those he deems below him to feel the fall force of his presence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Being an genasi with a lineage that could be traced back to the djinn, Aldin was born with inherent magical ability. Despite being part djinn, his genie blood did not grant him immortality, nor did it even grant him a long enough life-span to learn a satisfactory amount of the arcane arts. Understanding this, he began a quest to prolong his life, which he eventually achieved towards, what seemed like, his elderly years. Having already outlived anyone he cared for, Aldin achieved his goal, managing to prolong his life for, seemingly, an eternity. Many noted that he still aged; however, but seemed to return to youth when he should have died.   This eternal cycle caused the mage to grow jaded and cold, leaving his village in search of like-minded individuals, or at least those he could cultivate into being knowledgeable in the arcane. Demonstrating his power to the King of Alderhardt (at the time) he then struck a deal, allowing him a place to carry on with his research, while also teaching those of Alderhardt all he knew. This lead to the founding of the Ridrose Institute, where, even after several centuries, Aldin resides.
Date of Birth
42nd of Zorfis, 203BDE
Glowing Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep Blue
Aligned Organization

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