Ridrose Institute of Magic Building / Landmark in Aither | World Anvil
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Ridrose Institute of Magic

Built at the very top of Alderhardt's Capital, the Ridrose Institute of Magic was named after its founder, Aldin Ridrose, and stands opposite the Cathedral of Elysium and the Palace of Stone. The Institute is the magical university in The Continent, and Kitzstadt has benefited greatly from its presence, given how prevalent magic has become in the city, and in the country overall.   The campus of the magical institute consist of a series of towers of varying heights and sizes, interconnected with bridges, with the main courtyard being in the centre of these towers. Around the entire grounds is a series of floating stones, with runes engraved into each of them, projecting a blue, translucent magical barrier under them. There is but one opening in these stones, which the main path leads you to. As you follow the path, two guards stand outside the barrier, wearing armored robes, rather than the typical chain armor of city guards.   The courtyard that the path leads you to is circular, with an intricate, four tiered water fountain, with a statue of a mage standing atop the very top of the fountain. There are small gardens in front of each of the towers, with different plants from differing regions, whether it be the desert lotus from Oshal or the mystic asters of The Ithryl Woods. Each of these gardens are encased in an arcane dome, helping to maintain the environment that each of these plants are accustom to.


7 towers, for each of the schools of magic.   All the towers are similar in appearance, but have a defining feature between them to tell which of the towers is which:
  • Tower of Evocation: Is almost like a lighthouse, with the very top of the building having an eternally burning pyre.
  • Tower of Illusion: There is an eternal mirage surrounding the tower, making it appear as though it is always blurred.
  • Tower of Necromancy: The base of the tower is surrounding in an aura of purple, flame like energy, that parts before the tower's entrance.
  • Tower of Enchantment: The doors to enter the tower have glowing runes carved into it, as well as the glass on the windows.
  • Tower of Transmutation: There are statues outside, standing at 8ft tall each, that change form based on the hour of the day.
  • Tower of Abjuration: The roof of the tower is open, with the roof itself being replaced with a magical dome acting as a barrier.
  • Tower of Conjuration: The tower has a open domed roof, which has a purple light shining from it, that starts at the base of the tower
  • Alternative Names
    Ridrose Academy
    University / Educational complex
    Parent Location
    Owning Organization
    Characters in Location

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