Avalencia Settlement in Aither | World Anvil
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Also known as the Kathoid Underdark, Avalencia is the last known drow settlement in the continent, after the last few were destroyed by experimenting with the use of Planesgates and the Shadowfell. Built below the Kathoid mountain range, the drow of Avalencia have had a difficult relationship with the dwarves of the Foghorn hills, constantly conflicting over territory. Recently, Avalencia has been losing land to the horrors of the Underdark, sealing off the lower levels with their magic. The city itself is built into the opening of a giant cavern, with sections built atop an underground lake. The buildings reinforced with drow magic glow a faint purple in the dark cavern, but, other than the lights from the magic, Avalencia is entirely dark, greatly benefiting the drow greatly. Within the city, there is the ruin of a planes gate, along with a teleportation circle linked to the centre of Elendir. Although technically in the territory of The Foghorn Hills, Avalencia is also technically a part of The Ithryl Woods, with one of their exits being located at the north of the Woods
Alternative Name(s)
The Kathoid Underdark
Owning Organization

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