Dalia Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Queen of Avalencia

Queen of the drow of Avalencia, and last of the dark elven rulers in the Underdark, Dalia is known as the matron mother of the drow, and has reigned over her people for the last two decades. Born into royalty, like many other monarchs in the continent, and the only surviving child of three, Dalia is a bold leader, willing to give up her ancestral home for the safety of her people, agreeing to migrate the drow to the parallel plane of Feywild so that they are safe from the growing threats that loom deeper in the Underdark.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Eldest of Three

Dalia was always going to be the next matron mother of the drow, with her being both the eldest of her siblings, as well as being the only daughter born to her mother, the matron mother at the time. She was raised accordingly, sheltered as a princess would be while her two younger brothers were raised to fight for the future role of their elder sibling. Given her sheltered upbringing, she was given a guardian of a similar age to her, both to keep her company and to protect her, with that guardian being Nessa Haas, whom she became very close friends with. For most of her life, she agreed with the drow's traditional standing, in that the drow believe themselves better than all other races, and do not need the aid of any other. That was until she became queen...  

A Coronation in Mourning

Dalia remain in Avalencia whilst her mother and two brothers when to the allied drow city of Thantheas. This ended in disaster, with all three, along with Thantheas, being destroyed by one of the drow's patron goddesses, Lolth, the Spider Queen. A lot changed very quickly for Dalia, as she was made queen with the knowledge that her people had been betrayed by a goddess they had worshipped for generations and that she was the only remaining ruler of the drow. There was a lot of pressure for the young Queen, and she knew that the isolation that the drow had lived in would not serve them well in the future.   When it was known that the previously banished half-born, Tharla Olyth, was a chosen of Avalore, the Goddess of Death, and that she was in a courtship with the redeemed knight of the eladrin, Echaron Fellon, Dalia used this opportunity to make an alliance with other elves, trying to find a way to aid in her people's survival. This is now what she strives for, hoping to have the drow move to the Underdark regions of the Feywild, which are largely uninhabited, which is a controversial decision to say the very least.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations

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