Daisy Becker Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Daisy Becker

"I wonder what it's like, out there in the world. Outside of this little village." - Daisy
A bar maid working in the Slumbering Golaith in the Alderhardt town of Frandenyre, Daisy Becker, at first glance, seems like a typical townswoman of common birth simply living out her days. Her charming optimising, energetic and general good looks approach to work has made her well known and pursued by many in the town, even despite her relatively common birth, but she has turned them all away, claiming that she's looking for a man that has been places and can take her said places, so that she has an excuse to leave the town.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like many born into an era consumed in war, Daisy ended up an orphan after her mother died in childbirth and her father was eventually sent to war, but never returned. Being only fourteen when her father was confirmed to be dead, Daisy was taken in by the local tavern owner, who was also a landlord of many houses in the town, giving her a job as a bar maid and a home to live in, which would continue to be her's as long as she continued to work for him.
Date of Birth
24th of Zofis
Year of Birth
461 ADE 21 Years old
Short, Ginger
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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