Ellhesari Organization in Aither | World Anvil
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The city state of Ellhesari is the capital of all of Feywild after conquering all other political powers within the realm. Ellhesari is well connected with the material realm, with a Planes Gate connecting the city state to the capital of The Ithryl Woods. Ruled over by The Council of the Noldor (the lords of each city state led by King Rotholian Glyn of Ellhesari), this city states acts as both a political and cultural capital of the estranged realm, as well as a relatively stable area of the plane, largely unaffected by the unpredictable magics of Feywild. Ellhesari itself is surrounded in a ring of trees, built with a circular structure that has its foundations raised as you near the city's centre. The outer circle is largely military, with defences and such put here. The next circle is where most of the commerce and trade is, with the majority of stores put here. The next circle after that is then filled with residence, with different wealth classes being put in different quarters. The very centre includes only two complexes of buildings. The first is the palace, where the members of the council and royalty reside. The second is the Erendriel Academy of the Arcane.
Geopolitical, City-state
Notable Members

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