King Rotholian Glyn Character in Aither | World Anvil
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King Rotholian Glyn

Although only officially the King of the city state of Ellhesari, for all intent and purpose, Rotholian is King of the Eladrin, running the council of Kings after the many other Eladrin city states surrendered to Ellhesari. The high elves of The Ithryl Woods, the remaining wood elves of The Golden Forest and even the drow of Avalencia are slowly migrating to Feywild, the realm in which the fey and elves originate from, under Rotholian as new city states, essentially making him King of all the elves.   Although fairly young for an elven King, inheriting the rule of the elves that his father had set up, Rotholian is well respected, being noted as the one who managed to bring together the elves and grant the sanctuary, as well as quelling the displeasure of the other Eladrin city states, forming the council of Kings, rather than giving the old rulers no say in how their states were run. Because of all of this, Rotholian is seen as a benevolent, intelligent ruler, despite his age, and is a wise man. He isn't known to be a great warrior, but noted to be on par with some of his royal knights, as is also known to be close with a fair few of his Ellhesari Royal Knights.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised to surpass his father

Rotholion's father unified the eladrin city states of the Feywild through military might, and the convenience of the Ellhesari Archmage Renna Fellon, but found it difficult to keep diplomacy between the states, given how he had been raised to be a warrior that fought in a seemingly never ending war. His son; however, was born into a world of relative peace, and could be raised to be the diplomat that he never was. His father was very specific in the influence around his son, assigning Echaron as his personal body guard because of his unorthodox personality for a royal knight, allowing the two to actually become friends.      

Becoming the King of the Elves

Rotholion was coronated in the year 463ADE, after his father decided that he was now ready to take his place. When the other Kings of the Eladrin convened to met the new, Ellhesari King, who would now be in charge of the council of Kings, they expected a push over, given how he was raised in an era of peace. Instead, they were met with a stern, frank yet diplomatic man, a man perfectly crafted for the task his father had left him. This all eventually led to him taking in the majority of the wood elves who were seeking shelter after the exodus of their home in The Golden Forest, as well as agreeing to offer a new home to the high elves of The Ithryl Woods and the drow of Avalencia, which essentially made him king of all elves.
Date of Birth
22nd of Zorfis
Year of Birth
294 ADE 188 Years old

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