Ellaria Anari-Fellon Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Ellaria Anari-Fellon

Commander Ellaria Fellon

Twin to the Storm Caller, Echaron Fellon and wife to the arcane prodigy Faenor Anari-Fellon, Ellaria is a once in a generation genius of war amongst the eladrin, currently acting as the Commander of the Ellhesari Royal Guard, a position that had once been held by her father. Ellaria is noted as being one of the most skilled warriors to have lived, while being also noted for someone with immense potential. Recently, Ellaria has been working closely with the royalty of The Ithryl Woods, trying to aid in the prevention of Enderfall alongside her brother.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


If it wasn't for her younger twin brother, Echaron Fellon , Ellaria's parentage would be unique in his home city of Ellhesari. Her mother, then Allaise Heijre, came with her family to Feywild after a series of unfortunate events led to them abandoning their life in The Ithryl Woods. She fell for the notoriously cold knight, Elraad Fellon, and she seemed to be the only person that could get the serious eladrin to show his softer side, which even his siblings seemed to believe he did actually not have. Around the time that Elraad become the Lord Commander of the Ellhesari Royal Guard, the two decided they wanted children, more so to appease those that said Elraad needed an heir to cement his legacy. Allaise; however, struggled with her health for her entire life, and child birth would be difficult for her. If it were one child, she may have survived, but she gave birth to twins, much to the dismay of her husband. Elraad got his heir, Ellaria, but he got an unwanted child that took away his wife, being Echaron.  

Early Life

  The increased coldness of Elraad after the death of his wife affected the twins differently. He never openly expressed any spite towards Ellaria, unlike Echaron, and she was well aware that she would be his heir, so she battled for her father's approval, unaware that it was something that she would never get. Thankfully, she never blamed Echaron for this, even if their father did, as the two decided from a very early age: even if their family abandons them, they will always have each other, no matter what occurs. Even with this mentality, Ellaria still grew close with her foster parents, whom she was sent to after her birth, being her uncle, Ellion Fellon, and his wife, Caeda Fellon.   Ellaria was found to be a prodigy of the martial arts, being the genius of her generation. This did not make her arrogant; however, as it was never enough for her father. And so she got stronger, more skilled, becoming one of the youngest knights in Ellhesari's history. Despite Echaron doing his best to keep up with his sister's ascension through the ranks, it was clear who the more skilled warrior was; however, she was aware of her brother's own set of skills, and how he did not have the same desire to be a knight that she had. The two always had a good understanding of each other, staying as friends even far past their childhood.  

Joining the Royal Guard

It was always known that Ellaria would join the Royal Guard. Her father was the Lord Commander, and she was an unmatched prodigy of her generation, who had a great love for fighting. She established herself quickly, finding herself nearly unmatched in spite of her youth, finding that, even after managing to get her brother in the Royal Guard as well, Kelderan Yudaari and her father were the only two that were her superiors. The distance her father kept from her continued to kill her arrogance, making her well respected in the guard as the quiet, yet competent member that they considered to be very reliable.  

The Heir Becoming the Successor

After sometime in the Royal Guard, around circumstances concerning the exiled drow Tharla Olyth, Ellaria was forced to face her brother in a Trial by Combat, where she won, despite her twins's best efforts. Her brother's banishment nearly broke Ellaria, causing her to question everything that she had done up until that point. Echaron, to this day, is her best friend and losing the person that meant the most to her was something she just couldn't cope with. Ellaria was strong; however, and did not allow herself to stay down for long. She vowed that she would bring her brother home, no matter the cost. She would burn all bridges with her father, realising how toxic the relation was becoming. She would decide that it was time to replace him.   She trained for the next three years, building up her reputation, while getting in contact with prince Rotholian Glyn, whom Echaron was close with, knowing that his coronation was soon. Using this new influence, Ellaria was ready to challenge her father, calling his incompetence after many complaints about his lack of compassion when handling situations. The two fought, with Ellaria, after her years of intense training, managing to come out on top, becoming the newest, and youngest, Commander of the Royal Guard, using her new found political power to aid her brother in the Material Realm, aiding in the slaying of Kanerast, The Mad Son, allowing him to come home.   

Leading in the New World

Ellaria became instrumental after the death of Kanerast, as The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt's exploited showed the three major elf civilisations, the eladrin of Ellhesari, high elves of The Ithryl Woods and the drow of Avalencia, that an alliance could be formed. Her protection of the now King, along with the management of Ellhesari's military, was invaluable, making her a well known figure amongst the elves, despite being in the Feywild and not The Continent.   Her new role was not all she gained in the coming years; however. Ellaria met Faenor Anari, whom Echaron offered a place in Ellhesari after their adventures in The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt. The young, eladrin Commander found herself quite taken with Faenor the longer they spent time together, which became more frequent after the high elf wizard became an apprentice of Ellaria's great grandmother, Renna Fellon. She fell in love with Faenor's intelligence, wit and confidence, while she fell in love with how soft Ellaria was for those that she truly cared for, which Faenor saw whenever the twins interacted with each other.   Fifteen years later, Ellaria proposed to Faenor while the two spent a holiday back in later's birth city of Valenrouse. Unfortunately for the two of them, there was an issue in arranging the wedding. The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt could not form again, as a party of adventures powerful enough to defeat a demi god could not be allowed free reign, and were not permitted to see each other unless given royal authority by several rulers. This royal authority ended up being quite easy to come across, with Ellaria receiving authority from King Rotholian, and Faenor asking Tharla if she could get the authority of Queen Dalia of Avalencia. The two became wife and wife a few months later to quite the large gathering of friends and family, staying together ever since.


Ellaria Anari-Fellon

Wife (Vital)

Towards Faenor Anari-Fellon



Faenor Anari-Fellon

Wife (Vital)

Towards Ellaria Anari-Fellon




After the Gauntlet had slain Kanerast, Faella was introduced to Ellaria by the later's brother, Echaron. Faella lived with the twins, while becoming the new protege to the arch mage of Ellhesari, and fell in love with Ellaria as the years went on. Eventually getting married, with Echaron as the man of honor to Ellaria, and Carrius as the man of honor to Faella.

Nicknames & Petnames

Faenor - Nora | Ellaria - Ella

Echaron Fellon

Twin Brother (younger) (Vital)

Towards Ellaria Anari-Fellon



Ellaria Anari-Fellon

Twin Sister (Older) (Vital)

Towards Echaron Fellon




Echaron and Ellaria were raised alongside each other, and see each other as both rivals and best friends. Before Echaron's banishment, the two were practically inseparable, rising through the ranks together. Although Ellaria is seen as the cold, serious one, she is known to open up around her brother, allowing the two to feel entirely comfortable in each other's company.

Nicknames & Petnames

Echaron - Echar, Eck, Ron, Ronnie (Doesn't like the latter two) | Ellaria - Ell, Ella, 'Boss'

Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
37th of Zofis
Year of Birth
364 ADE 118 Years old
Echaron Fellon (Twin Brother (younger))
Heterochromic (teal and amber)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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