Garfield Arbuckle Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Garfield Arbuckle

(a.k.a. Cursed Staff)

An assassin in the Kitzstadt sector of The Azure Owls, going under the alias of Cursed Staff, Garfield is known for employing the use of curses, hence his name, to kill targets. Whether this is due to his laziness and overindulgence of certain Martian foods, such as ravioli, or simple due to him knowing little else, no one really knows. What is known is that Cursed Staff is efficient, to the point where some consider him to be second only to the Talon himself, and is somewhat a favourite of Duarr. In fact, if the Talon is otherwise occupied, Cursed Staff has become Duarr's go to.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Despite looking like a kitten tabaxi from a distance, Garfield stands at 6"8, but spends most of his time lounging or simply sitting. This kitten like appearance is simply due to his sheer amount of fat. With a path over his scarred eye, and a owl mask that has the right side of it covered in black paint, Cursed Staff is quite the intimidating figure, but, out of his typical assassin attire, he seems a lot less threatening, likely due to being covered in ginger fur, similar to that of a tabby house cat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Adopted by the human John Arbuckle, alongside his brother, Odie, Garfield lived quite the childhood. He had an uncanny ability with curses; however, which he would later discover after he got in an argument with his father and brother over who ate the last of the ravioli. He cast his first curse, rending both asunder, tearing them limb from limb, caking the kitchen in blood. Most would recoil in being covered in the entrails of their family, but Garfield discovered something that day. He loved the thrill of taking lives. The Azure Owls caught wind of this, hiring him before the authorities could even identify the bodies, and Garfield, now known as Cursed Staff, has been working as an assassin ever since.
Date of Birth
37th of Corrien
Year of Birth
445 ADE 37 Years old

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