Gazlore Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Professor Gazlore

"I've got my theories. Always got my theories! Heh. But I am curious, though, 'bout what you find out." - Gazlore.
A senior professor in the Ridrose Institute of Magic and head enchanter of said Institute, Gazlore is an odd sight in the magical university, being a learned goblin, which is strange in any area of the world. Often working in the Enchanter's Workhouse, the magical store within the Ridrose Institute, Gazlore aids the university's finances by enchanting magical equipment and selling them to either high ranking knights, or wealthy adventurers.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Wearing blue robes with golden detailing, which is fitted to a creature of his stature, Gazlore is well dressed, and refined, especially for a goblin. Unlike most goblin, who typically have yellow eyes, Gazlore has sapphire blue eyes, matching the colour of his robes.
Current Location
Date of Birth
34th of Coremin
Year of Birth
417 ADE 65 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sickly green
Aligned Organization

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