Kanerast, The Mad Son Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Kanerast, The Mad Son

The second demi-god son of the ascended goddess Filodoxia, The Ascended, Kanerast, unlike his eldest brother and mother, is known for indulging himself into the art of his inherent sorcery, going mad after facing off against the primordial demi-goddess Nalista. Although Kanerast, along with his siblings, had helped banish Nalista, the death of his sister, Lariel, the Fallen Daughter, as well as witnessing the destruction that he had failed to prevent, caused the demi-god to go mad, attempting to revive his sister with the use of his magic alone.   Without divinity, this caused Lariel to be brought back in the body of an undead. This act caused Zarian, Kanerast's elder brother, to seal him away in his madness, unable to bring himself to kill him. Eventually Kanerast was freed by those who wished to gain the power of the mad demi-god, starting the Cult of Kanerast. His goal was the same before his imprisonment, gain power equal or greater to Nalista, so that, when she would eventually come back, he could kill her once and for all.   Kanerast would fail to complete his goal, with his mad drive for power causing chaos across The Continent. This caused the famed adventuring party, The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt., to become at odds with the demi-god, eventually leading to his death at their hands.
2782 (Age at Death)
Date of Birth
41st of Imnis, 2321BDE

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