The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt. Organization in Aither | World Anvil
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The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt.

Probably the most famous adventuring party in recent history, The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt was formed at the 385th Kitzstadt's Founding Festival, where a melee took place in the capital city. The group was named out of necessity, and elected Tharaz Tonack as their leader, in order to enter the melee. The Gauntlet (as they are known in short) won the melee, thus beginning their legend as an unstoppable group of powerful warriors. The members included: Carrius Simara, Echaron Fellon, Kallun Bandur, Faenor Anari-Fellon, Tharaz Tonack , Tharla Olyth, Uther Nariak Flintvigor Gathakupine Artax and Yenros Karden. They had their fair share of adventures, all of which were documented and, of course, exaggerated, by the group's bard, Carrius Simara. Such adventures include:
  • The battle with the necromancer, Allohaust, who resurrected a zombie beholder and sieged the Alderhardt town of Frandenyre. Although The Gauntlet were successful, the goliath paladin, Artax, was slain in the chaos, and was buried in the town once Allohaust was killed.
  • The liberation of Pruva, after being taken over by a population of undead, who had been revived by Kanerast, The Mad Son, The Gauntlet fought to free the city, saving its populous after breaking Kanerast's control of an artifact that amplified his power. The Gauntlet were congratulated, being given the titles of heroes. Despite this victory, Kallun's constant near-death encounters with the group but his life into perspective for him, so he left for his home in The Kathoid Range.
  • The Vampires of Zafieri. Zafieri was being tormented by night raids conducted by three higher vampire women and a small army gargoyles. Carrius entered the Vampire castle alone, confronting the trio. Already a vampire at this point, Carrius seduced the trio, and drank from their bloodwell, becoming a higher vampire in his own right. Once the gargoyles were dealt with, Carrius exited the castle, with his three mistresses.
  • The defeat of the Spider queen, Lolth, the Spider Queen. The Gauntlet got news that the drow city of Thantheas had been destroyed, and the creatures of the Shadowfell had escapes from their planes gate. Lolth had betrayed her people, in order to bring her creations to the material realm. The Gauntlet entered the ruined city, sealing the gate and ridding the world of the Shadowfell abominations, with the power of Avalore, the Goddess of Death with Tharla as her conduit, winning back her citizenship in Avalencia.
  • The final grand adventure of The Gauntlet involved slaying the demi god Kanerast as he reached near divinity. The battle was fierce, with Kanerast raising an army of cultists to stall as he completed the ritual. Echaron managed to convince his sister, Ellaria Anari-Fellon, to summon the Ellhesari Royal Guard to aid them, slaying the cultists as The Gauntlet slew the demi-god.
  • Type
    Social, Group
    Alternative Names
    The Gauntlet
    Related Myths

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