Kronburg Settlement in Aither | World Anvil
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The northern city of Kronburg is built on the border of the Alderhardt and the Kingdom of Salardia, with the very mountains that act as a physical border in Salardia making a pleasant backdrop for the city. Built close to a frozen lake, Kronburg is seen as a last bastion to many who would attempt to travel in the viscous climate of Salardia. Because of this, many dragonborn live in the city, as many are unable to make it to Dranocast, the last dragon keep, and are forced to stay in Kronburg as a compromise.   Unlike many of the great stone cities in Alderhardt, many of the buildings in Kronburg are made of wood, and the city itself is much less affluent in comparison to cities such as Kitzstadt or Strobenheim, The City of the Stone Kings, being relatively small. The city also feels much more closed off, with the city walls (which are made from stone) only has on entrance, with no buildings or even nearby villages outside of said walls.

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