Strobenheim, The City of the Stone Kings Settlement in Aither | World Anvil
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Strobenheim, The City of the Stone Kings

At the site where the Six kings of Alderhardt and united to face the threat of the yuan-ti of Oshal, Six great statues were built for each king. Years later, a city was built around these statues, but, due to their size, not much could be done with the space provided, so the building were built into the statues themselves, hollowing them out so that the populous could live in them. Now standing as a tribute to the sheer architectural genius of the people of Alderhardt, Strobenheim is one of the largest cities in the country, being noted as the religious capital of the country.   The city itself is known for having its own religious militia, known as The Arms of Elysium, with many also being a part of The Knights of Alderhardt. Much like the six kings the city was named after, Strobenheim is run by six high priests, residing in the heads of the six different king's statues. Due to the sheer height of the statues, rudimentary lifts carry residents to the upper levels, again, pointing to the architectural genius of the natives of Alderhardt.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Stone Kings
Large city
Owning Organization

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