Saol's Grove Geographic Location in Aither | World Anvil
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Saol's Grove

Consisting of a small section of the southern part of The Ithryl Woods, Saol's Grove is a the resting place of Saol, the First Mortal, and where his magic is the most prominent. Now known as a place where pilgrim can travel to for greater spiritual understanding, Saol's Grove is also known as the place where life on Aither truly began. The Grove is currently being tended to a follower of Saol's philosophy of life, as well as the former leader of The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt., Tharaz Tonack.   Saol's Grove is easily distinguished from the rest of the Ithryl Woods, with much taller trees, with tall canopies that cover the forest floor so that little light shines through. Much of the light in the grove comes from the glowing fruit produced by much of the trees. At the very centre of the grove is Saol's Tree, which is the largest tree in the forest, with many of its roots growing out of the ground. The base of the tree has been hollowed out, and converted to both accommodation for Tharaz, as well as a prayer room for followers of Saol, with his statue being placed inside.


Despite being named after Saol's Grove, it was not until after Saol passed that the Grove itself was made. It is said that the Rift Tree at the very centre of the Grove is the First Mortal's grave, and that his presence on Aither can still be felt to this day, hence the concentration of magic and fey beings in the Grove. Some even say that the Grove was actually grown and looked after by Nimue, the First of the Fey, who loved Saol during his time alive, hence why this part of the the Ithryl Woods resembles many forests in the Feywild, the home realm of Nimue.   Nimue could not look after Grove after the The Divine Exodus; however, as she was forced to leave the Material Realm. This is how Tamsin , the demi-god daughter of Nimue, inherited the Grove, looking after the it for the better part of four hundred years. Pilgrim visited the sacred place much more after the Exodus, as many felt as though it was the closest thing they could have to embracing divinity once more, causing Tamsin to teach many the skills of druid craft.   Tamsin eventually gave the stewardship of the Grove to her apprentice, Tharaz Tonack, leaving to deal with fallen Harbingers of the Raven Queen. She did not return from her quest, and the Grove is now protected by Tharaz, along with several allies of his, where to this day, it is still consider a place of great divinity.

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