Tharaz Tonack Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Tharaz Tonack

An elderly half orc druid, living in the deep south of The Ithryl Woods, Tharaz Tonack was once the leader of the famed adventuring party, The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt., but now resides practically alone, acting as a guardian for the recently abandoned woods, protecting the wildlife and mystic forces of the woods. Residing in at the base of the shrine of Saol, the First Mortal, within Saol's Grove, Tharaz spends much of his time guiding pilgrims who travel to the shrine, getting to the point where he is as famed as the shrine itself, with many travelling to him to get healed or reach a form of spiritual understanding.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Tharaz is an older half orc, being well over 50 years of age. His long, braided hair is greying and beard is long and bushy. Despite his age, he is well built and muscular, standing at 6"6. His pale, grey skin has wrinkles throughout it, with old scars all over his aging body. Typically, Tharaz wears simple robes, but adorns hard, wooden armor when it is time for battle.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the slave pits of the Slezech Wetlands to a human mother and an orcish father, Tharaz was raised as a slave, force into physical labour the moment that he could walk. By the time he was in his early teens, and Tharaz reached physically maturity, being taller and stronger than the human slaves, but smaller than the orcs that forced the humans into slavery. After the lands were taken by the Honorguard of The Martian Empire, and Tharaz's mother was liberated, Tharaz was forced out, given the choice of either making his own way out of the land or being executed on the spot.   Tharaz left, eventually coming across the shrine of Saol in the south of the Ithryl Woods, and, after talking to pilgrims that had travelled there, decided he would try to learn the powers that Saol had once possessed. Becoming a druid, and learning from these pilgrims, discovered that he was a talented druid, and decided that he wanted to do more in the world than simply residing at a shrine. Travelling to the capital of Kitzstadt, a place where he heard he may be able to belong, coming across, and eventually leading The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt..   After many adventures leading the party, Tharaz returned to the Shrine of Saol, learning that the elves were beginning to leave the Woods, and had abandoned the shrine. Acknowledging the importance of the shrine, Tharaz stayed there, looking after those that came, and teaching those who came to the shrine, looking for answers the same way that he had.
Date of Birth
31st of Zofis, 429ADE
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations

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