The Heirs of the Storm
After Kathdormar, The First Giant's defeat at the hands of Pyra, the First Dragon, The Storm Lord was unsure what his purpose was in the Material Realm. Unable to come to terms with his failure, he decided to conduct and experiment. The giants were the only wielders of Kathdormar's power for as long as anyone could remembers, but, with their race facing near extinction, Kathdormor decided that he would give his powers to others in Aither; others that he deemed either interesting or worthy to inherent such powers. He created four swords: The Storm Caller, The Storm Herald, The Storm Weaver and The Storm Bringer, and gave them to four mortals with varying ideals. The Storm Weaver was given to the first Demon Knight, so that Kathdormar could test the 'people's champion' as the title, which later came with the weapon, was chosen by other mortals. The Storm Herald was given to the royal family of Pruva, that ruled over the Goliaths, as a way of Kathdormar testing he worth of royalty. The Storm Bringer was given to a champion of faith, and given to the High Priests of Strobenheim, The City of the Stone Kings. The Storm Caller was the only of the four blades that Kathdormar kept, choosing to instead pick the user himself, as a test of his own divinity. Eventually, he gave the blade to Echaron Fellon, after he suffered three weeks of agonizing torture at the hands of the cult of Kanerast, and refused to break. Impressed by his will, as soon as the young elf was liberated from his magically bonded chains, and after a week of communicating with the giant god, so that he could better understand his future chosen, Kathdormar bound the sword to Echaron Fellon.
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