Echaron Fellon Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Echaron Fellon

The Storm Caller

"It's been twenty years, and I believe he's changed. He saved my life, and helped us kill the demi-god he once worshipped, I don't know what else I can say." - Echaron
Son of the former Captain of the Ellhesari Royal Guard, and twin brother of the current Captain, Ellaria Anari-Fellon , Sir Echaron Fellon, the Storm Caller, is a knight of the Royal Guard, and a commander in the Ellhesari military. His works in aiding in the alliance between Ellhesari and The Ithryl Woods with the drow city state of Avalencia, as well as his many adventures with The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt., Echaron largely acts as an ambassador to The Continent for his Feywild home, with the aid of his fiancée , the High Priestess of Avalencia, Tharla Olyth.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Although slender like many elves, Echaron is well built, with broad shoulders and a muscular frame. His hair and eyes change colour depending on the season, as he is half eladrin, and the seasonal changes are much less drastic than his other kin. In spring, his hair is a light orange, with green and teal eyes. In summer, his hair is auburn in colouration, with red and teal eyes. In autumn, his hair is a deep red, with his eyes being orange and teal. In winter, his hair is closer to copper in colour, with both of his eyes being teal. While on official duty, Echaron often wears the Ellhesari Royal Guard plate armour, but, when adventuring on his own accord, he is often seen simply wearing a Sylvan breastplate, which was a gift from Tharla for his 100th birthday. Echaron is nearly always seen wearing a red scarf around his neck, which was a piece of enchanted clothing that had once belonged to his late mother.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


If it wasn't for his elder twin sister, Ellaria Anari-Fellon, Echaron's parentage would be unique in his home city of Ellhesari. His mother, then Allaise Heijre, came with her family to Feywild after a series of unfortunate events led to them abandoning their life in The Ithryl Woods. She fell for the notoriously cold knight, Elraad Fellon, and she seemed to be the only person that could get the serious eladrin to show his softer side, which even his siblings seemed to believe he did actually not have. Around the time that Elraad become the Lord Commander of the Ellhesari Royal Guard, the two decided they wanted children, more so to appease those that said Elraad needed an heir to cement his legacy. Allaise; however, struggled with her health for her entire life, and child birth would be difficult for her. If it were one child, she may have survived, but she gave birth to twins, much to the dismay of her husband. Elraad got his heir, Ellaria, but he got an unwanted child that took away his wife, being Echaron.

Early Life

Echaron's father became even colder after the death of his wife, sending his children to be raised by his younger brother, Ellion, and his wife Caeda Fellon. The young elf was made aware from an early age the reason for his father's resentment by his foster parents, given the need they felt to instill honesty and openness into the twins. This; however, did not apply to Ellaria, who still tried to fighter for her father's attention, which her brother cared little for. Despite this, Echaron could not escape his father's shadow. He always desired to be a wizard, but it was expected that both he and his sister would become knights. Because of this, Echaron decided that he would be more unorthodox in his training, integrating the arcane into his fighting sale, which he learned from his aunt, Caeda.   The training paid off. Although he was not the prodigy that his sister was, he was still talented, and his arcane knowledge elevated him above many of those at his age range, allowing him to keep up with his twin rank wise, despite being the inferior warrior. He did not care that he was in the shadow of his sister throughout his childhood, nor did he care that his father continued to keep him at arms length. He was raised with love and care by his aunt and uncle while being satisfied with his own level of skill, as he found that he simply could not compete with Ellaria, whom he considered to be his best friend. A potential envy bloomed into a close bond instead, where the two were considered inseparable since birth, even to this day over a century later.  

Time in the Ellhesari Royal Guard

Climbing through the ranks at a near ridiculous rate, the twins eventually made it into the Royal Guard. Ellaria was sought after by her father, more so due to her prodigal skill rather than her relation to the Lord Commander; however, Echaron was not accepted at first. Elraad said that he lacked the skill, despite that not being the case, and many of the other knights, including Ellaria herself, said that the Lord Commander should not allow his personal affairs to get in the way of his duties. Echaron made it in a mere few months after her sister, which she never fails to mention if she needs to annoy her sibling, and he made fast friends with many of them, mainly as he was the subject of a fair amount of teasing, being the newest recruit, yet being a good sport about it. One such friend was Kelderan Yudaari, who ended up being the closest ally of the twins in Feywild, outside of their immediate family.   He became known as "The Prince's Spell Sword" given that he seemed to be given the role of protecting the (then) prince of Ellhesari, Rotholian Glyn . He chalked this up to his father wanting to make sure his son got as little renown as possible, whereas his sister was given many a job of slaying bandits, creatures or terrorists that would increase her reputation. Although annoyed, and somewhat bored, by his assignments, he got on well with the Prince, being the only protector he had that seemed to have a friendly tone around him, rather than an entirely jaded, professional guardian.

Banishment from Feywild

One of the few assignments Echaron got that would have been consider 'dangerous' was his mission to Oshal, in order to save a pair of ambassadors that had been captured by the yuan-ti after a failed diplomatic mission. The twins saved them both, along with a half drown woman, Tharla Olyth, who was held in the same prisoner transport. The drow and eladrin, although not at war, had been resentful of one another for a long, long time, to the point where association had become illegal. Echaron, only seeing a scared woman, who had been dragged to through the desert and turned into a slave, said that she would help her, splitting from his sister, who took the ambassadors through the Planes Gate in Elendir.   Echaron, through his journeys with Prince Rotholion, became friends with Tharaz Tonack and the Guardians of Saol's Grove, and asked if Tharla could stay there for the time being, which they agreed to. When Echaron returned home, he found himself arrested for his association with the drow that he saved. Knowing that his only chance to get away with his apparent crime, he called for a Trial by Combat, where he was forced to face his sister. This ended in Echaron's defeat, and he was exiled to The Continent.  

Founding of the Gauntlet

Spending some time with Tharla and Tharaz in Saol's Grove, Echaron eventually left with the two of them after assassins from The Shadow Claws came after Tharaz. They travelled west to the city of Kitzstadt, hoping to ask The Azure Owls about why a bounty was put on his head. Along the way, they met Uther Artax, who provided a leader like role for the group, then arrived at Kitzstadt during its Founding Festival, where they met Yenros Karden, Faenor Anari-Fellon, Carrius Simara and Kallun Bandur, founding The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt to compete in the Founding Festival's annual tournament. They then used their status as the tournament's winners to contact the Azure Owls and found out that the assassins were sent to 'finish an old job' and were hired by the Cult of Kanerast. Kallun left the party after the tournament win, going home to enjoy his retirement.  

Time in the Gauntlet

Echaron spent the better part of three years in the party, and a great deal happened in those three years. The first great event following the success at the tournament was the battle against the necromancer Allohaust, in the town of Frandenyre, which ended in both the necromancer's death, as well as Artax's. This event shook the party, losing the their leader like figure and witnessing the horrors of adventuring all at once. Tharaz ended up taking over as The Gauntlet's leader. This event caused the party to grow closer together, becoming much better friends, rather than just travelling companions, and from this, a romance began between Echaron and Tharla, as the former comforted the later after witness such terror in such a short stretch of time.   Roughly a year after the party's founding, they had another confrontation with the Cult of Kanerast, with Echaron finding out that his Uncle, Eldris Fellon, and his cousin, Candorran Fellon, were both alive and a part of the Cult. He assumed that the two of them died after their banishment, and The Gauntlet came to blows many times with the Cult. Echaron was eventually forced to kill Eldris, after he began the siege of the city of Kronburg, causing Candorran to resent him. The rivalry between the two ended after Echaron's capture by the Cult, who held up near the base of Cloudburst Mountain, hoping to liberate Kanerast himself from The Cael Bastion.   The giant god, Kathdormar, The First Giant, was once such person that resided in the same area that Kanerast was held. Knowing that the demi-god's liberation was inevitable, he contacted Echaron telepathically, sending forth the Storm Caller greatsword when the rest of the Gauntlet set out to save their friend. In the ensuing battle, now wielding the power of the Storm Caller, Echaron slew Candorran, while the party essentially destroyed majority of the cultists held near the Bastion.   This was not the end for Candorran; however, as guilt began to was over Echaron. His cousin fought by his father's side, as he had few other options, and did not know what to do, other than seek vengeance, after his death. He decided that Candor deserved a second chance, as he did not sense that he was evil or cruel. Asking Tharla, who's powers had evolved exponentially, to revive him, Candorran came back to life, his ideal shaken by being revived at the request of the man he forced himself to hate. Eventually, Candorran became a member of the Gauntlet, turning deadly feud with his cousin into a somewhat one sided rivalry.   The time of the Gauntlet ended after they found out the location of Kanerast, hunting him down and putting an end to him once and for all. It was a monumental effort, requiring the aid of the Ellhesari knights, who were now led by Ellaria, rather than Elraad. Once Kanerast was slain, now that Ellaria was the Lord Commander of the Ellhesari Royal Guard and the once prince, Rotholion, was now King, he was able to return home, offering Faenor to come with him. Despite this, he continued his romance with Tharla, visiting her in the Material Realm as often as he could.  

Life in a New World

The world changed a great deal for Echaron after the death of Kanerast. All of the three main elven kingdoms, the eladrin of Ellhesari, the high elves of the Ithryl Woods and the drow of Avalencia, all had new leaders, and were all seen working together in the Gauntlet to accomplish a truly great feat. Because of this, Echaron became the main ambassador for the drow, largely due to his connection with Tharla, given that she was now the High Priestess of Avalencia. Despite the joking annoyance he feints around the fact that his sister is now his boss, Echaron does truly enjoy the freedom he is now given, especially because now he is not far off being her equal in power. This has led to him being somewhat of a lose canon, or rogue element in many cases, doing what he believes is right in some places in The Continent that you would never expect him.


Echaron Fellon

Fiance (Vital)

Towards Tharla Olyth



Tharla Olyth

Fiance (Vital)

Towards Echaron Fellon




After saving Tharla from the slave pits of yuan-ti and travelling together for a time, the two fell in love, and we later banished together because of this. They've been through a lot in their twenty year relationship, and neither's affection has ever waned, leading to Echaron eventually proposing to her beloved.

Nicknames & Petnames

Echaron - Eck, Echar | Tharla - Lunar

Echaron Fellon

Twin Brother (younger) (Vital)

Towards Ellaria Anari-Fellon



Ellaria Anari-Fellon

Twin Sister (Older) (Vital)

Towards Echaron Fellon




Echaron and Ellaria were raised alongside each other, and see each other as both rivals and best friends. Before Echaron's banishment, the two were practically inseparable, rising through the ranks together. Although Ellaria is seen as the cold, serious one, she is known to open up around her brother, allowing the two to feel entirely comfortable in each other's company.

Nicknames & Petnames

Echaron - Echar, Eck, Ron, Ronnie (Doesn't like the latter two) | Ellaria - Ell, Ella, 'Boss'

Echaron Fellon

Cousin (Important)

Towards Candorran Fellon



Candorran Fellon

Cousin (Important)

Towards Echaron Fellon




Candorran and Echaron have had a difficult relationship, with it being filled with a great deal of fighting between the two, due to Candor being a part of a cult following a mad demi-god and Echar doing what he could to stop said cult. After Candorran was slain by Echaron, and later brought back to life at his request, Candorran became indebted to his cousin, seeing himself as his rival.

Caeda Fellon

Aunt (by marriage) (Vital)

Towards Echaron Fellon



Echaron Fellon

Nephew (by marriage) (Vital)

Towards Caeda Fellon




Although an aunt to Echaron and Ellaria, Caeda raised the two as her children, after their mother, Saria, died and their father, Elraad, gave them to his brother, and Caeda's husband, Ellion, being a mother to them in all but name. Although Echaron never studied at the Erendriel Acedemy, he was taught by Caeda in the art of the arcane, making him closer to Caeda than Ellion, despite having  strong relationship with both.

Chaotic Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
37th of Zofis
Year of Birth
364 ADE 118 Years old
Tharla Olyth (Fiance)
Ellaria Anari-Fellon (Twin Sister (Older))
Candorran Fellon (Cousin)
Heterochromic (teal and amber)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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