The Talon of the Owl Character in Aither | World Anvil
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The Talon of the Owl

"Greatest of my assassins. If this one ever comes after you, it means I really want you dead." -Duarr
More so a title or a figurehead in The Azure Owls, the Talon of the Owl is the head of the assassination sector of the gang, even outside of the city of Kitzstadt. The title is given to the most loyal and deadly of the Owls' assassins, and his or her identity is known only to Duarr, the Azure Owl himself. At times, they orchestrates the most difficult of assassinations, while at other times they could be responsibly for protecting Duarr personally. For those unlucky few, The Talon could be sent to 'extract' information from a target before killing them, and is sometimes used similar to a boogie man to get higher rankings lords or other such nobles to comply to the Azure Owl's requests.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Unlike other assassins in the organisation, the Talon is set apart with plates of steel on top of their leather armor, as well as a metallic owl mask, rather than the more widely distributed porcelain masks given to other assassins. Hooded, and covered head to toe in armor and fabric, it is impossible to tell what race the Talon is. Their gender is even more difficult to discern, with the Talon's height and build, especially underneath all the clothing they wear, lending itself to either gender.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known about the Talon. Some theorise that the person behind the mask is a specter, while others believe that it is an immortal vampire. The more reasonable believe that this Talon is not the first, and that the title has been passed on from person to person, due to how dangerous the job is. What is known is that, if there is an Azure Owl at the head of the gang, there will always be a Talon at their side, enforcing the law of that Owl and executing the gangs greatest enemies.
Aligned Organization

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