Tsuna Orkenblood Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Tsuna Orkenblood

Given the title of Orkenblood by the goliaths of Pruva because of her orcish father, Tsuna is known for her superior strength as she wanders the country of Alderhardt, acting as a sellsword within its borders. Although known as a lone wolf, Tsuna is noted for her exceptional discipline and professionalism when on a job. This makes her very sought after for those in the know about her; however, the way potential employers appeal to her is unique among other hired blades. Caring more so for how interesting a job is, many attempt to pitch their jobs to her, rather than trying to entice her with how many zeros they can put at the end of her payment.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born with Strength

Tsuna Orkenblood is most known for her unique heritage, being the child of an orc and a goliath. Although born in the goliath city of Pruva, she was sent to the country of Alderhardt to be raised. The orcs would not take her and her mother could not bear to raise her, leading to her being brought up in a orphanage in the northern settlement of Lichtenhower, the City of Lights. Even compared to the other, half-orc children in the orphanage, Tsuna was considered near giant, with the local military putting her in their cadet program, training her to be the perfect solider.  

Finding True Freedom

Tsuna did not like the idea of being restrained to fight for people that did not share her blood, nor cared much for her. When she was old enough to leave the orphanage officially, she simply began her own journeys, much to the dismay of the local military leaders, who wished for her service. She became a sellsword, picking and choosing her own battles, taking on the role of a bodyguard or bounty collector whenever she wanted. Simply put, Tsuna picked whatever she finds most interesting at the time, using the money she earns from her work to enjoy the free time she has, believing in living her with the freedom to chose what she wants to do.
Date of Birth
43rd of Zorfis
Year of Birth
459 ADE 23 Years old

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