Lichtenhower, the City of Lights Settlement in Aither | World Anvil
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Lichtenhower, the City of Lights

Near the northern border of Alderhardt, just to the south of the lands of the dwarves, stands Lichtenhower, one of the oldest cities in the country. There are many things that makes this city unique in appearance when compared to the other cities of Alderhardt, with the main thing being ithilium, with it being relatively abundant after a comet containing a fair amount of the metal fell near the city. Now it is used throughout the city, causing certain parts of the ground to form floating isles or used in buildings to illuminate the night, banishing the dark from the city, giving Lichtenhower its title as the city of lights.   A river flows through the city, reflecting the many lights of the enchanted ithilium, which comes from the dwarven mountains of The Kathoid Range, acting as a trade route from the dwarves of The Foghorn Hills to the rest of Alderhardt. Because of its placement, Lichtenhower is the centre of this trade, giving away specialist Alderhardt goods while receiving the many metals that the dwarves have in abundance, such as bronze and iron. This means that, despite all of the grandeur of the city, its is predominately a place of trade, rather than a magical hub like Kitzstadt.    Other than the trade, because of the sheer amount of ithilium in the city, Lichtenhower is known as a creative centre for enchantment based magics, with there actually being an offshoot school of the Ridrose Institute of Magic that specialises in enchantment there. The leader of this city has lost its once royal roots in the time when the city was a city state, being an elected mayor instead, which is currently a dwarven man named Ozzuck Redmaker; unsurprising given the city's relatively large dwarven population.
Large city

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