The Battle of Holy Domains and What Could Be Myth in Akara | World Anvil
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The Battle of Holy Domains and What Could Be

In the dust and ash of the last fires put to rest, an old woman stepped silently onto the rubble of an oracles stake. She rose her hands up and closed her eyes. In her darkened vision she saw a lady made of light, the first to lead the charge, with many champions in her wake they went to war. A fight against The Daemonium risen from ashes, reaching for domains that were no longer theirs. The Battle for Akara begun anew. As she spoke what she saw many refused to believe the words of the prophet but those who listened took to the shadows to prepare for a battle of holy domains.


In the beginning of Era 2 shortly after the persecution of prophets, the first of the new oracles, prophesized the beginning of the war. The war against The Daemonium, the second battle for the material plane. Many clamored against the oracle as the Daemonium haven't made their way to Akara in many centuries and the gods had already banished them to the Agony Grounds in the The Battle of Sealing. The oracle stood upon the graves of the prophets past, those lost to the persecution, rose against the disbelievers, and spoke of a battle for holy domains, a war fought by Gods, Angels, and new champions. The only thing to stand in the way of the creatures is a lady made of pure light and those chosen by the Gods. The Oracle told of many dying and being creature touched during the battle, that it would be long and arduous. Many assumed she was insane, a woman simply pretending to be an oracle, a doomsayer. But there were few who believed in her words and took to the shadows to prepare.


The prophecy of Holy Domains is a widely known tale, told from person to person rarely written down. Save for the posters that appeared across different towns, in different countries across Akara one night. That said only the oracle's words and nothing more.

Cultural Reception

Many people didn't sit well with the prophecy that foretold of The Daemonium returning to Akara so as people tend to do most ignored it. However, there were some who took to the oracle's word and prepared for the coming battle.
Date of First Recording
Era 2

This article has no secrets.


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