The Asolar Templar
The asolar templar are the main clerical branch of the sun elven Asolar clergy. their duties include religious ceremonies, upkeep of religious monuments, keeping the archives and governing the city.
- Templar Novice: novices are still in training and do not have any official duties to attend to. novices live in smaller monasteries with a single steward in charge of it close to where their classes take place
- templar assistant: assistants are still in training but work as assistants to priests and help them with their duties assistants live in guest housing close to where their priest works.
- templar archivist: archivist main assignment is to maintain archives and historical records as well as staffing the libraries archivist also archive all official business and declarations in Ar'Kir as well as scribing historical events into the archives and scribing books. archivist live in the archive monestary
- templar steward: stewards maintain temples and other facilities along with preparing for ceremonies and are also often in charge of monuments or housing for the novices. stewards often live in or close to the place they have been charged with maintaining
- templar priest: priest are allowed to conduct religious ceremonies and often ward over their own temple along with a few stewards. priest often take on assistants to teach them the ways. priest main responsibility is to conduct religious ceremonies as well as taking care of their temple district working as a pseudo governor who takes care of the district and attempts to solve local problems, heal the locals and solve local disputes
- templar ecclesiastic: there are five templar ecclesiastics, the main four who govern the east district, the west district, the north district and the south district among these the east district is the most prestigious and often the one chosen as the next high templar apart from these four there is the archive ecclesiastic who governs the archive. ecclesiastics main duties include major ceremonies, such as swearing in priest and sunblades as well as weddings and cremations for major families. ecclesiastics also solve larger disputes in their districts and judge criminals. the current ecclesiastics are East Ecclesiastic Luthias Fenmys,______,_____,_____ and Archive Ecclesiastic Aenwyn Cairora
- High templar: the high templar is the leader of the templar and jontly governs over the city along with the high forge master. the high templars duties include judging major crimes creating laws as well as conducting major ceremonies along with swearing in new high forge master and new lord commander sunblade. the high templar is the only templar allowed to wield a Solar staff. the current high templar is High templar Delsaran Zinran who previously was the archive ecclesiastic and is the youngest high templar ever.
Religious, Organised Religion
Parent Organization
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