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The Ceithir

The Ceithir ("The Four") was a tetrarchy form of government for the land and Kingdom of Albion . This fourfold kingship model consisted of the four leaders (Chiefs or Lairds) of The Great Houses--Clan MacFarlane, Clan Buchanan, Clan MacLeod, and Clan Donald. The four members of the Ceithir shared responsibilities for ruling and protecting the Kingdom of Albion and the surrounding territories (including the Tuathalba and the Innsegall Islands ).   The Ceithir operated on a cycling leadership position called The Righ ("Chief-King"). Each member ruled as the Righ for 5 years before shifting the throne to the next member of the Ceithir. The previous holder of the Righ would not then be eligible to rule again for 15 years. This helped to maintain a "balance of power" and order of precedence for near 1500 years.   When a member of the Ceithir died the new Chief or Laird of that Great House would join the Ceithir in their place (as the junior member). They would fall in rotation of seniority as the least senior member. At the formation of the Ceithir (year 1 of The Bonding Times ) the order of precedence was:
  • Clan Donald
  • Clan MacLeod
  • Clan Buchanan
  • Clan MacFarlane
  • Due to deaths, abdications and other reasons this order of precedence changed several times over the years of the Bonding Times. At the time of the Cleaving (and the disbandment of the Ceithir) the order of precedence was:
    1. Clan MacFarlane
    2. Clan MacLeod
    3. Clan Donald
    4. Clan Buchanan
    If the current holder of the title died while on the throne, the next member in the order of precedence would take the throne for a new 5 year period. If a member died before returning to the throne, the next senior member (rather than a junior member who just joined the Ceithir) would take the throne. This did occur several times throughout the Bonding Times, but with little issue or difficulty.   The Ceithir worked on a "balance of power" idea where total authority or power did not reside with The Righ. Attempts to consolidate power in The Righ would be blocked by the other three members. By agreement (and later law) all important (e.g. kingdom-wide) decisions required total agreement of the members of the Ceithir. Lesser decisions (regional, etc.) required a 3 member agreement.   While on the throne, The Righ "lead" the kingdom. The remaining Ceithir members acted as "Privy Council" and took control over various aspects of governing the kingdom. The Righ held a type of veto power but could not make direct decisions without input from the Privy Council. The Privy Council had additional members as needed from the ranks of nobility and others to help with the daily governing and running of the Kingdom of Albion.
    Political, Triumvirate
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level
    Government System
    Monarchy, Elective
    Power Structure
    Unitary state
    Economic System
    Mixed economy


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