Catriona of Brythonkeld Character in Albion | World Anvil
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Catriona of Brythonkeld

  • 37 years old
  • Joined Othric Whiteblade's army at the age of 19, before his conquest of the southlands.
  • Fought with King Othric's army for 15 years, was present for his victory at Carron Vale that united all of Brythonkeld.
  • Served as a Housekarl in the war to put down Wulfric's Rebellion and lost her brother in the fighting there at the hands of the Gwynnish mercenary Cradoc agh Ibnarth
  • Retired honorably from service to deal with her loss, and has remained in Othric's service as a carver of royal seals and sigils for the past three years.
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