Othric Whiteblade Character in Albion | World Anvil
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Othric Whiteblade

Let not the hand of kingship waver, not in war, not in justice, not in peace—for doubt is the surest killer of kings.   —Precepts of Saint Leoric
  For many years, the southern lands of Albion were riven into a dozen squabbling kingdoms, each vying for supremacy. It was not until seven years ago that one warlord rose up and conquered his neighbors one by one, uniting them into the kingdom of Brythonkeld. Sovereign over all of southern Albion, he was able to reward his loyal thanes with lands and spoils of war. Now, with the consolidating influence of the Bishopric well established in his lands and all usurpers banished or buried, Othric looks northwards with an eye to pacifying his unruly thanes with the glory and wealth of new conquests.   While his armies march ever northwards, Othric himself is rarely seen on the battlefield of late. His oldest children, the twins Othrym and Aethelryn, have now come of age, and he has bent his formidable political will to securing a beneficial marriage for his daughter and a strong, unified crown for his tanist to inherit.
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