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Captain Abzug 'Death Spear'

Captain Abzug 'Deathspear' CR: 5

Medium humanoid, neutral
Armor Class: 16 (Studded Leather)
Hit Points: 85 (11D8+33)
Speed: 40 ft


16 +3


18 +4


16 +3


15 +2


12 +1


14 +2

Saving Throws: Strength +6, Dexterity +7, Wisdom +4
Skills: Athletics +6, Acrobatics +7, Intimidation +5, Perception +4
Senses: Darkvision 60ft., Passive Perception 14
Languages: Common and Orcish
Challenge Rating: 5

Erathis' Devotee (2/Day). The captain can cast Comprehend Languages with this trait, requiring no material components. Intelligence is his spellcasting ability got tis spell.

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the captain can move up to his speed toward a hostile creature he can see.   Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when the captain hits with it (included in the attack).   Erathis' Votary (1/Day). The captain has advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks while his is in a city. In addition, when he fails an Intelligence check or Intelligence saving throw, he can reroll the die, and you must use the new roll.


Multiattack. The captain makes three melee attacks with his spear.   Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. and range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2D6+4 piercing damage, or 2D8+4 piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.


Parry. The captain adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the captain must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Abzug was once the leader of a dangerous orc tribe from The Tribourne Thicket. When Lord and Lady Daardendrian ordered their soldiers to wipe the tribe out, Abzug was the last one standing, having killed a dozen troupes. Instead of having him killed, Lord Daardendrian instead offered him a position on the city guard, which he decided to take due to his curiosity in the soldiers unusual fighting style. Since then, Abzug has mastered Saltare and has been appointed the Captain of the guard, a position he takes to just as well as his pervious leadership of the tribe.   Abzug has a son in the city, named Zoraz, who was born after a chance encounter with a travelling merchant, Zoraz's mother.

Gender Identity

Male (he/him)
True Neutral
Current Location

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