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Human 30%, 20% Half-Elf, Genasi 20% (70% Water, 30% Earth), 10% Gnome, 25% Other (including: Dragonborn, Dwarf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Tiefling, Aasimar, Bugbear, Goliath, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc, Firbolg, Kenku, Owlin, Changeling and Triton).


The province's government is run in a two-tiered feudal system. It is lead by the Daardendrian clan, headed by Lord Rhogar and Lady Kadana. Citizens of Wesdale pay annual taxes and in return the Daardendrian clan distribute this money to maintain and protect the city. Citizens who cannot pay their taxes can instead opt to enlist into the Wesdale military, where they are trained as members of the city guard and work for a number of years. The number of years served correlates to an additional number of years the citizen and their family can live tax-free within the governed area.


The Walls. On Wesdale's eastern board is its only land-based entry point. It is protected by a 80ft. tall, 20ft. thick, staggered stone wall with numerous towers. The wall was designed as to give a vantagepoint of the terrain beyond as it rises out of view from ground level. Additionally, the walls height was carefully chosen to give those who you assail it with smaller ranged weapons a noticeable disadvantage.   The City Guard. Wesdale has a force of approximately 5,000 soldiers, headed by the orc captain. Abzug 'Death Spear' Longstride. He and his soldiers train in a unique fighting style named 'Saltare' (meaning 'Dance' in ancient concordian), which is derived from the pre-confluence elven military fighting style known as 'El'Tael' (meaning 'Bladesinging' in elvish). Whilst Saltare is different to El'Tael in many ways, the city guard of Wesdale are known for their expertise with a sword and are considered some of Concordia's most proficient soldiers.   Magical Defenses. Thanks to the presence of Archmage Korfel, as well as many other expert practitioners of magic, the city also contains other magical defenses:
  • The Pentafont. Within the wall, directly behind the city gate is The Pentafont, a famous landmark and water feature. Unknown to most civilians, the five fountains are connected by submerged, underwater tunnels. At the structure's base, deep beneath the water, a greater water elemental named Hydrox lies in wait. Hydrox is charmed so that, should the doors every be breached, he will emerge from the fountain and attack any assailants. He is magically bound to The Pentafont and cannot be removed from it, however he can move between the various portions of the water feature using the submerged tunnels.
  • The Adranachs. Adranachs are magical constructs created by the mages of Faerndaar and act as guardians of the city. Each adranach is loyal to Archmage Korfel, their creator, who as agreed they will come to the city's aid should the need ever arise. There are six known adranachs, five which guard the city and The Master Adranch which acts as Archmage Korfel's personal mount.
  • The Wards of Faerndaar. The school of magic has its own, smaller, wall surrounding it. Whilst it is as secure and defendable as any other wall, it also houses a number of enchantments. Firstly, The single entrance to the school's interior is warded with an arcane lock, causing it to be incredible difficult to break. Secondly, the airspace above the central campus, extending 1 mile high from the top of the circular wall, is protected by an enhanced wall of force (thanks to the power of the snarl at the campus' center). Only the adranch and any creature permitted by Archmage Korfel can enter this space. The same wall of force incidentally prevents attackers from climbing over the wall. Finally, Archmage Korfel processes the power to transport the whole school to another plane. Should he choose, Korfel can activate The Warpstone, a powerful magical gem imbued with conjuration magic, which will cause the entire central campus to plane shift to a random plane of existence where a snarl, like the one at the school's center, exists. This is obviously a last resort should the school ever need it and the Korfel spends much of his time attempting to perfect the magic to make the destination more predictable. Until then though, it remains risky.
  • Wavebreaker's Wrath. Wavebreaker Lighthouse has the ability to absorb the kinetic energy of the waves which come towards the shore. What is kept secret though is that this energy is not dispersed, but stored. Should the need ever arise, the Lightkeeper can call on The Wildmother to unleash this energy causing a tsunami to emanate from the base of the lighthouse. While potent, it takes a full year to build up enough energy to create this effect, so can only be used once during an assault.


The Caulked Carpenters. A shipwright located on the seafront, on the corner of Highgrove Boulevard. The company is owned by the Daardendrian clan and is famous for creating some of the best ships to ever sail the waters around Concordia, incuding some which are magically enchanted. Its workshop is famously obscured from view in an effort to avoid competitors stealing trade secrets.   The Dockside Market. A large market made popular by merchants coming into the local harbour. Produce and supplies from all over Concordia can be found on sale here thanks to the bustling trade in the city. At its center is auction area, where rare and unique items are sold to the highest bidder.   The Faerie Fire Inn. The most popular and famous tavern in the city, owned and run by the tiefling Queen. It contains a variety of enchantments to enhance the experience of the people who visit, including: flying servers with iridescent, translucent wings; floating chandeliers made of cast iron which hover below the ceiling beams; and an impressively-large, open fireplace which flickers a rainbow of colours, ranging from deep crimson, to virescent green and baby blue.   Kilvar's Carts and Carthorses. A wainwright located close to the city's gate, the stable is owned an managed by the dwarf Kilvar. He buys and sells draft and riding horses, alongside all the necessary accessories and supplies travelleing merchant or adventurers might need.   The Hammer in Hand. A blacksmith located near the city's market, owned by the dwarf Diesa. She runs the forge and the shop purposely without the aid of any magical equipment, making the establishment famous in the city as one of the few nonmagical establishments. Despite this apparent disadvantage, Diesa boasts some of the best metalwork in the city, making her very popular with patrons searching for nonmagical equipment.   Mr. Barleyheart's Breads and Baked Goods. A famous bakery, which recently located after an incident at its previous location next to The Witch's Cauldron. Milo Barleyheart, the store's owner, runs the business with the aid of a collection of animated bread golems. Originally created by accident at their previous location, Mr. Barleyheart worked closely with Madame Rosemarie of The Witch's Cauldron to recreate non-hostile versions of these creatures, which now serve customers and help in the kitchen.   Runes and Relics. A prestigious magic shop located at the end of Fountain Promenade. It is owned and run by with owlin Archibald Stoutclaw, a graduate of The College of Lorehold, who famously serves clientele including adventurers, travelling merchants and even local governments. From the outside, the shop appears like a stately home, however its interior in a large open space with walls filled with ware rising up the three stories the building boasts. Only someone with the ability to fly (such as Archibald) would be able to reach most of the items on display. Archibald stocks a vast assortment of magic items, however his spell scroll collection only contains spells up to 3rd-level due to an agreement made with Archmage Korfel to prevent more powerful spells falling into the wrong hands. Any 4th-level+ spell scrolls Archibald buys are sold immediately to Faerndaar and stored in its collection.   The Siren's Song. A tavern in the north-west of the city, close to the harbour. Owned by the human Daven Windrivver, it is a popular spot among fishermen and shipmasters travelling to the city. Despite the salty taste in the air and the damp-appearing interior, many of the merchants who chooses not to stay on their ships rent rooms above the tavern, though a good night's sleep is never guaranteed due to the rowdiness of the patrons.   The Witch's Cauldron. An alchemy shop owned by the human Madame Rosemarie Seavale. It houses the most extensive selection of potions and recipes in the entire country. So proud is she of her wares, much of the shopfront and fixtures are made of glass, causing the building to partially resemble a greenhouse, in order to properly display each bottle. As well as providing services to various people including scholars from Faerndaar and adventurers, Madame Rosemarie also takes time to train apprentices, including the gnome Loxix Loudspell.

Guilds and Factions

The Cloaks. This guild is primarily formed of the most powerful mages from Faerndaar, Phrontistery of Arcana. As such, the guild is based within the school's walls where they can conduct their research and develop new magic.   The Curators of Corellon. The city houses one of the guilds most prominent spaces (second only to its headquarters in Easthaven), The Abbey of Insight. Whilst this is predominantly a worship space for The Arch heart and The Knowing Mistress, it contains additional spaces on its upper floors dedicated to artisanal practices, with resources and teachers to aid guild members develop their craft.   The Knights of Valor. The knights have a base near the city's harbour, named The Seawarden Stronghold. Many of the guild's members look to venture out into the sea to aid merchants and travellers who come into port speaking of dangerous creatures out at sea. The stronghold is a large, blue-tiled manor house and is surrounded by a iron fence. Additionally, it features a private dock, made accessible by a short canal connected to the main harbour. The guild's proximity to a Steel Brotherhood base has in the past lead to street fights.   The Order of the Wildfire. While the order has no ongoing missions in the city, Calida of the Wildfire is the current Dean of Expression at Faerndaar, Phrontistery of Arcana and lives in the city.   The Shadowmasters. The assassin's guild operates out of a secret basement in The Siren's Song. They use contacts with seedy merchants to help move guild members around the continent. The guild does act within the city, however any targets within Faerndaar come with a premium due to all of the school's magical defenses.   The Silver Hand. The city is home to one of the guild's bases for its black market. Goods are transported in and out of the city through the harbour by couriers and sailors and its it from by secretive merchant in The Dockside Market who can be identified by a plain silver band the merchants wear on their left index finger. Additionally, some guild members conduct create illegal potions and other substances within the city. The location of where these are created is a closely guarded secret between those who know.   The Steel Brotherhood. The mercenary guild has a base close to the harbour and The Siren's Song, named The Freelancer's Fortalice. It is a large, fortified house with four small tower protruding from the roof. Barred windows and reinforced doors make the prospect of forced entery very difficult. Most of the guild members make their money joining merchant vessels worried about pirates and sea creature on long journey, such as between Wesdale and Newport. The guild's proximity to a Knights of Valor base has in the past lead to street fights.


Wesdale is a pre-confluence city and is believed to have stood for thousands of years. It was once ruled by the silver dragon Ornthran, the Argent Storm, however it was later bestowed by the dragon onto the Daardendrian clan. It was originally a city of faith, with churches to all faiths scattered across its skyline, however a civil war saw many of these churches destroyed, leaving the city with the four which remain in its temple ward. Shortly after this time is when it is believed the first school of arcane magic was built in the city.   Centuries later, during the war with the elemental planes, it became the last line of defense for people in the neighbouring provinces who could not retreat to the safety of Easthaven. Its wall blunted numerous waves of attacks, however the city was occasionally breeched, which lead to much deaths and destruction, including that of the previous magic school. It is believed that many of the elvish army were stationed here and that a great number of them died protecting the city.   Since those events, Wesdale has rebuilt itself, and quicker than much of the country thanks to the establishment of Fearndaar, Phrontistery of Arcana and its mages. These days, Wesdale sees itself as a hub of trade and culture as well as the center of arcane development in the Concordia.

Points of interest

Chromabloom Gardens. A picturesque park located in the north-east of the city. Members of Faerndaar's Quandrix and Witherbloom colleges enchanted the area with magic which causes the flowers to continuously shift in colour.   Faerndaar, Phrontistery of Arcana. The famed school of magic in Concordia. Lead by the famous archmage Korfel Yealdrin, its five campuses are protected by a large wall of ancient, elven architecture, enhanced with protective magic. A single gate on the wall's south side leads into the school. Only current students, alumni, faculty and those with invitation can enter the university. Open days are however held once a month for perspective students to come and visit, allowing more of the general public to catch a glimpse of what goes on inside.   The Fountain Promenade. Located in the south of the city, this street marks the way to Faerndaar, Phrontistery of Arcana. It is additionally used as an area for public ceremonies due to its regal appearance, fantastic lighting and size, which can accommodate thousands of citizens at one time.   The Harbour. Wesdale's harbour is one of its main features. It wooden promenade and jetties extend from the north to the south of the city's western boarder, completely filling the area between the two neighbouring mountain ranges. The harbour's size allows for it to accommodate many ships at one time, as well as allowing space for private docks. One such dock belongs to the Daardendrian clan, and is located at the end of the tree-lined boulevard leading from their castle.   Highgrove Boulevard. The tree-lined road which leads from the harbour in the west to Highgrove Castle in the north. Outside of Chromabloom Gardens, it is the best place in the city to socialise or at the very least go for a walk, combining the feeling of fresh sea air with the visual of a small forest within the city walls.   Highgrove Castle. One of the oldest building in the city, the large, stone castle is the home of the Daardendrian clan. Its meeting halls are used to conduct business, enact policies and occasionally debate laws with the citizens. The castle is located on a raised plateau and surrounded by a small orchard of trees. Its walls, while not as tall as the city's outer walls, are tall and strong. The combination of these elemental made the castle a highly defensible location during The Confluence.   The Singing Blade Barracks. The home of the city guard and the local prison. It is named for the ancient combat style of the elves which used to garrison the city during The Confluence. Its walls and gatehouse resemble smaller versions of the main city wall and are constantly manned. The prison is located underground throughout a series of dark tunnels and runs into the the southern mountains.   The Temple Ward. Located in the south-east of the city and surrounded by a moat crossed by four bridges, it is home to four large churches, each dedicated to different deities and headed by a bishop ordained by multiple faith leaders:
  • The Abbey of Insight. The church of knowledge and wisdom, located in the north of the ward and headed by the half-elf Bishop Thiala Liadon. Services dedicated to Corellon, the Arch Heart and Ioun, the Knowing Mistress are held here and are popular with both students and faculty of Faerndaar, Phrontistery of Arcana. Its large, open worship space is surrounded by beautiful stained-glass windows depicting symbolic languages and artistic expression mixed with magic.
  • The Edifice of Order. The church of law and civilisation, located in the west of the ward and headed by the half-orc Bishop Zoraz Longstride. Services dedicated to Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon and Erathis, the Lawbearer are held here and are popular with many of the citizens of Wesdale. Its inner hall is kept pristine, with its white, marble floor inlaid with gold geometric patterns and pillars depicting draconic figures wrapped around buildings.
  • Oceanbreeze Sanctum. The church of the sea and storms, located in the east of the ward and headed by the halfling Bishop Eldon Leagallow. Services dedicate to Kord, the Stormlord and Melora, the Wildmother are held here and are popular with sailors and merchants travelling in and out of the city's harbour. Its main worship space houses a large pool, used during ceremonies and rituals. There is an additional worship space outside which boarders the moat which is also used in the same manner.
  • The Sundry Hall. A church dedicated to the other deities, located in the south of the ward and headed by the aasimar Bishop Cassandra Wisewood. Services dedicated to Avandra, the Changebringer; Moradin, the Allhammer; Pelor, the Dawnfather; The Raven Queen, the Matron of Ravens; and Sehanine, the Moonweaver are held here. It is a large, communal space with six doors leading in and out. statures depicting effigies of each of the gods can be found around the walls of the hall, with dedicated payer and seating areas around each of them to allow followers to commune how they see fit.
Wavebreaker Lighthouse. Located offshore on a small, rocky island, the lighthouse is enchanted with strong abjuration magic which causes the ocean's waves to disperse before passing beyond it to the docks. It is manned by a family of tritons, headed by Lightkeeper Corus Wesdale, who are devout followers of Melora, the Wildmother. The lighthouse can only be accessed by boat and has its own dock.


Wesdale is one of the most visited cities in Concordia, this is for a variety of reasons. Firstly, its school of magic attracts many potential students each year, with though who are accepted quickly becoming residents. Secondly, the city is famous for its abundance of magic thanks to the aforementioned school, resulting in those looking to acquire magic items or services flock to it. Finally, Wesdale houses one of the continent's largest harbours. The city is a trade gateway to the western portion of Concordia, with seafaring merchant required to make port here in order to conduct business.   In recent months, with Archmage Korfel's desire to reconnect with the rest of the world, the city has begun to receive people from other continents, including The Darastrix Dominion and Al-Sahari, though this is not common knowledge yet.


Wesdable is in a unique location. It is situated on the coast between The Quassir Belt and The Morndin Ridge, making the area highly defendable. Additionally, the land extending to the east past the city gates rises upwards, putting the city in a shallow valley.


  • Wesdale

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