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Raziel, the Seer

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raziel is has always been seen as an mysterious character in Caer Carden. Some believe her to be a hag from the forest, using illiusions to blend in and prey on the city's most needy and depserate. Other believe her to be a fake, who uses cheap tricks to make people believe anythign she says. In actuality, both tales are incorrect. Raziel is a powerful diviner and practitioner of the arcane.   She moved to Caer Carden from her home in Glenhythe and established herself as an invaluable arcane aid to the Ostroloth family, securing her a property in the city where she could focus on her own research in exchange for completing, what she saw as menial, tasks for the city. These task include the maintainance and control over the city's magical defences, which she developed when she first arrived in the city, and acting advisior to the Ostroloth family elder for all matters arcane.   She does not let these detract from her reseach however. Razeil looks to develop new and improved methods of divining information from the past, present and future. Her methods are likely what have earned her the various rumors across the city, using materials suce as tarot cards, ouija boards and rune stones, which many people only see used by performers at places such as carvinvals. Raziel however believes they can be ustilised to great effect if combined with the right magic:   Ouija Board. Raziel's ouija board is imbued with powerful divination magic. She can use it to cast Contact other Plane. When casting the spell this way, it gains the following:
  • It can contact the soul of a dead humanoid. The spell fails if the soul was the target of this spell within the last 10 days.
  • The answer to one of the question can be a single word, which is spelled out on the board when answered.
Rune Stones. Raziel's runes stones enchanted with ancient giant runes, granting the person using them the ability to cast the divination spell.   Tarot Cards. Raziel's posesses two seperate tarot card decks with the power to divine information about people and items. One deck grants its user the ability to cast the Scrying spell, while the other grants its user the ability to cast Legend Lore spell. When these spells are cast, the deliever the information about the target in the form of a card representing its past, its present and its future. The spell fails if the target was the target of the spell within the last 10 days.   Raziel is a quiet person, who spend much of her time reflecting and mumbling to herself during conversations with others. She has a facination however for anything which would allow her to use her gifts to make new discoveries or learn ancient knowledge. To her, the secrets of this world can all be unlcked with the 'right question'.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
419 81 Years old
Female (she/her)
Stat Block
Archmage (MM p.342)

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