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The Darastrix Dominion


The Darastrix Dominion is a country located to the east of Fylkirheim. It was once a noble land, home to the world's first dragons and dragon-kin, as well as the Aspect of Bahamut for many centuries. Since the years of its prime, it has become a dangerous place, inhabited by savage people and ruled by the tyrannical ancient red dragon, Queen Ixenvor.  


The Prime Milenia

During its formative years, the land which would later become to be called The Darastrix Dominion was largely wild and untamed. Humanity began to spread across its four corners, but it was Albion's first dragonborn which proved most dominant during this time. Alongside the first metallic dragons, these dragonborn, ruled over these lands, exploring them and combatting any threats which came across their boarders. The most dangerous of these threats were the chromatic dragons of Tiamat, the Scaled Tyrant. These creatures caused years of distressed to the inhabitant of the country. However, with the aid of the metallic dragons, most of the chromatics dragons were forced to flee the west into Fylkirheim (where they started a war with the local giant population).  

The Age of Ascension

With the influecne of Tiamat being felt across the land and the aspects of the creator gods coming to the world, Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon made his home in these lands and christened it 'Dracoria'.   In the centuries that followed, Dracoria began to undergo a number of changes. Many of the common races left the land as other draconic beings, including kobolds and lizardfolk, found new homes here. Metallic half-dragons also became more common as the native dragons bestowed these biological traits to those devoted to serving the Aspect of Bahamut. In order to maintain order and protection to all of his followers in Dracoria, Bahamut charged seven gold dragons to act as its wardens. These dragons, known as 'The Septaureate' continued to hunt the chromatic dragons who remained in the land as well as any followers of Tiamat who would oppose Bahamut.   It was during this time that the followers of Bahamut discovered the existence of gem dragons in the mountains surrounding Dracoria. Given their non-hostility and importance to the deceased dragon god Sardior, it was instructed by Bahamut that these creatures should be treated with tolerance and respect.   Later, during The Aspect Wars, Dracoria became a battleground for the forces of Bahamut and Tiamat. It famously became the sight of the aspects' final battle, where the Aspect of Bahamut was killed. During this battle, the majority of The Septaureate were also killed, with only its leader Selara, the Prime Aureate surviving the war (though not without significant injury at the hands of the Aspect of Tiamat).  

The Post-Aspect Era

In the wake of the Aspect of Bahamut's death and the maiming of Selara, the Prime Aureate, a power vacuum was created. One of Tiamat greatest generals from The Aspect Wars, an ancient red dragon named Ixenvor, claimed the throne of Bahamut for herself, proclaiming herself queen, and began to exert her will over the land.   Queen Ixenvor began by capturing many dragon-kin from across the land and created and army of red half-dragon soldiers she names The Red Scales. Using them, she began a campaign, which spear across the country, ultimately subjugating the inhabitants of Dracoria. This caused most of the resident dragonborn to flee west as refugees to Fylkirheim. Many of the metallic half-dragons however chose to stay and fight. Sadly, those who did stay were all killed by the red dragon's army. The kobold and lizardfolk populations remained largely unchanged during this time, choosing to worship and serve the new draconic leader of their homeland. During this time, Queen Ixenvor renamed Dracoria to 'The Darastrix Dominion' to mark her rulership over the land.   With the country fully under the control of Queen Ixenvor, it was a long time before any outsiders attempted to enter The Darastrix Dominion again. When they did though, it was the centaurs, goblinoids, grung, minotaurs, orcs and yuan-ti who made homes alongside the native kobolds and lizardfolk. When Queen Ixenvor discovered this, rather than have The Red Scales kill them, she instead subjected them alongside the existing denizens of the land. All those who called The Darastrix Dominion home under her ruler had to earn their place in the land by paying tribute to her. Whether it took the form in gold, magic items, or other valuables scavenged from the ruined nation of Dracoria, failure to do so risked bringing the wrath of the red dragon upon whole communities and becoming an example to all others why she should not be crossed.   In the year 500 PAE, Queen Ixenvor was killed as she performed the ritual of draconic ascension. With her gone, a power vacuum has been created in the dominion and the furture of its leadership has been brought into question.  


Common Races. Goblin, Grung, Hobgoblin, Kolbold, Lizardfolk, Minotaur, Orc, Yuan-ti.
Uncommon Races.
Rare Races.
Very Rare Races.
Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goliath, Half-Elf, Halfling, Half-Orc, Human, Leonin, Satyr, Tabaxi, Tiefling.  

Militery Structure

During her rule, Queen Ixenvor boasted an arm of aproximately 10,000 half-dragon soldiers called 'The Red Scales', which she first created from the population of Dracoria. The majority of the solider were originally dragonborn or other half-dragons, but these days the army is self-sufficient, with soldier having half-dragon children of their own which are then raised and trained to replace older soldiers. Additionally, civilians from across the dominion are conscritped if they show exceptional martial prowess.   A Red Scales soldier serves from the moment their training is complete until their death, devoting their entire life to the service of Queen Ixenvor. Typically, soldiers live for around 25-30 years after completing training, after which they become too slow in combat and fall to more agile foes.   These days, with Ixenvor dead, The Red Scales are under the leadership of her general, a half-dragon-half-yuan-ti named Archie.  

Religious Struture

Though all those who live under Queen Ixenvor are expected to bow to her first and fully, a number of gods and demi-gods are commonly worshiped across The Darastrix Dominion.   Bane, the Strife Emporor. Bane is often worshiped by goblinoids who live in more established settlemnts, such as Dakhaar.
Baphomet, the Horned King. Baphomet is almost exclusively worshiped by the minotaurs of Pylis as their creator and an example of the pinicle of minotaur strength.
Gruumsh, the Ruiner. Gruumsh is the favoured god of nearly every orc in The Darastrix Dominion, with the hills surrounding Gedad supporting the majority of his followers.
Melora, the Wildmother. Melora is the least worship of the gods in The Darastrix Dominion, but is famously the only creator god to see notable worship outside of Lokria. Centaurs make up the majority of her worshippers here.
Tiamat the Scaled Tyrant. While most creatue who would woship a dragon as a god-like figure turn to Queen Ixenvor, many kobolds count themselves as worshippers of Tiamat, citing her as the greatest gragon who ever walked these lands. Her worship is often hidden though in Queen Ixenvor's presence, of fear of insulting her.
Zehir, the Cloaked Serpant. The yuani-ti of the vastwood are among some of the most densly-populated worshippers of Zehir in the world. Of all the gods in The Darastrix Dominion, worship of Zehir is the most open and accepted by Queen Ixenvor thanks to the efforts of their leader, Archie, and his retrieval of a powerful magical artifact for her in recent years.   Notably, the Lizardfolk and Grung populations are not particularly religious, with the majority of their populations serving no god. Citizens of Lokria however are known to worship an even wilder variety of gods and demi-gods, with most exiles rejecting the worship of those mentioned perviously if they survive the journey through The Endless Sands.


  • The Darastrix Dominion
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Government System
Neighboring Nations

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